eh, combat is a bit over complicated IMO. Visuals are obviously good, but it didn’t suck me in
eh, combat is a bit over complicated IMO. Visuals are obviously good, but it didn’t suck me in
Thank you!
So... if it’s just upscaling the resolution, would a regular switch and a 4K TV with good upscaling of its own be similar? I’m getting to old to keep up with all this stuff
What a novel idea!
Shameful to not include Sonic Spinball on this list
Seriously. People are mental if the want a movie of this. Let’s cause the victims more pain, shall we?
I’m guessing this guy’s books are full of bullshit if he just googles something and throws it in the book. This guy’s career should be over for this. It just proves he doesn’t actually do any real research.
The Houston Solar Panelists
That would be amazing
“This is my oven, where I cook Bagel Bites”
Pete Davison is this generations Pauly Shore
good one, troll
You came at me. i didn’t comment on anything you posted, you commented at me. You are one angry person, I’m sorry for you. You are making assumptions about what is going on in everyone else’s head, not only mine but all the players in the story too. Chill out, you must be a misery to deal with. You are a racist,…
wrong, you accused me of being racist immediately. Good luck with the virus dude. You sound like a racist. I just said the guy doesn’t have the mask on properly.
oh ok, i’m white so i’m focused on him not wearing a mask properly, which may signify him not taking this thing seriously to begin with or i guess i’m just racist, which is why i like to frequent the root. clown. just because i comment on the guy not wearing the mask properly doesn’t exclude me from also thinking the…
oh ok. anything else?
Does this dude know masks are supposed to cover the nose too?
How dare they own buildings?!?!?! No one should be allowed to be a landlord, or own land at all or even have buildings. I bet the people who built the builidng weren’t even paid a fair wage!. We should just be roaming around and sleeping under a tree or in a cave if we can find one, right Joan?
Just be happy that you can now say fraud in Portuguese. Or at least spell it.