
It was the next logical step

I would have dominated NCAA level Animal Crossing back in college. My house was the shit. No roaches in sight and never a weed to be found. I was born too late

We are

Very meaningful baseball being played right now

because she’s mental

you should get two new ones, younger ones preferably, and toss your current dog to some shelter somewhere. upgrade yo!

2. i rolled my eyes at the ‘loves of my life’ part but stopped reading at ‘myriad’

something about rocks in her sister’s something

how do they make sense? genuinely curious

I’m tired of watching brown women not be interested in me when I pathetically try to flirt with them

What an asshole


Yes, please

Your confusing Patriots fans with Celtics fans. Not as much crossover as you’d think

84 seeds? are you actively trying to avoid them?

Is this on the Wii u version too?

The old “Pretend To Be Asleep” trick. Usually works every time

I didn’t hop either

I’m sick of people surviving these matches

He was just about to take a quick meditation moment/nap to come up with a plan to get out of the hold. Classic MMA technique