Is it though? In most Middle Eastern countries, if women leave the home without their burqua, they’ll get beaten by the morality police.... Did women really choose this? I’m skeptical.......
Is it though? In most Middle Eastern countries, if women leave the home without their burqua, they’ll get beaten by the morality police.... Did women really choose this? I’m skeptical.......
I kinda support this.. I think burqua’s are just another (religous fundamentalists’) way to objectify women, and remind them that they’re unclean and unworthy to be full members of society. And furthermore, I don’t think people in modern society should be masked. If you want to interact with society, show me your…
a position you share with feminist Muslim scholars like Mona Eltahawy, for all the people freaking out on you.
This seems like Merkel trying to throw an almost meaningless bone to the whiny hard right in Germany to distract them from harassing and hurting more Muslims and refugees.
Whatever, your definitely not a lunch lady so who cares? What I’m saying is true. Burqas are a symbol of women being held down by men.
Except the reason that burqas are still worn is because men make women wear burqas... and now there is a class of women that think they should wear a burqa. Not want to wear, should wear. Big difference.
Good. Even if “only” a few hundred women wear them, it’s still too many.
Sorry but not sorry at all. Burqas are meant to demean women and subject them to misogynistic rules. Women get punished for getting raped in societies that make them wear burqas. Burqas represent truly awful male dominance and subjugation.