
Your pieces always give me something to think about and I agree that it’s important to both:

This is pretty disrespectful to the countless players who had their characters forced to act in a way contrary to how they’d done things. Particularly LGBTQA players who were blindsided into this.

It’s not a matter of offensive. It’s a matter of respecting players and their approaches. This plot point failed to do

No, it’s not proof of that.

to be replaced by marketing man Doug Bowser

Jar Jar is a war hero because he fumbled around. I like war heroes who don’t fumble around.

I mostly like Star Wars for the music. I defy you to find anything stupid about my favorite Jizz-wailing nerf herders, Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes.

i don’t want to say “good job” for someone meeting the bare minimum. no one congratulates me for wiping my ass after i take a shit.


Now I want to make Emmet’s house from Lego Movie Part 2.

Fortunately tattoos on your palm aren’t exactly forever. You use that part of your body with such frequency that the tattoo, especially one with such fine line work, should become a smudge of its former self in no time. So it’s meaning will be lost over time. 

Yes it does come across as that...

Overselling preorders should be fucking illegal.

Sure.  People are also entitled to call out for having shit opinions and for being a prick.  It’s a two way street.

“gAmEs ShOuLd Be TaKeN sErIoUsLy As ArT!”

*someone makes a game that isn’t what this jabroni wants to play*


Right. Can it even be called a game if you never murder somebody in cold blood? 

Is it just me, or does it definitely not sounds like he is saying “king” before “Bowser.”

Let me stop you right there: No one in politics should ever look silly.

“my marriage isn’t really failing” It’s already failed — YOU’RE CHEATING ON YOUR WIFE.

“I don’t want to hurt anyone,” says the guy that already cheated on his wife, and helped someone else in an already failing marriage do further damage to their own spouse.

nah man last jedi rocks.