
Yeah, it’s structured like someone trying to copy a college essay but changing the text a little bit.

I am a middle-aged white lady but I would love to show up and use my “let me speak to your manager” powers for good.

Thank God an expert showed up. Previously we were stuck taking the word of the woman this experience actually happened to.

Look sweetie, sometimes you should just know when to read a crowd, okay? 

this is gross. everything you wrote here is just mindlessly paternalistic garbage. 

“TLDR: Female, know your place and keep quiet.”

Didn’t take long to find the worst take ever.

Nancy Pelosi will step up and force that fucker Crowley to step aside because she’s smart enough to realize how bad this looks after the Bernie/DNC fiasco.

Pretty sure the USA has a spline. It just has yet to be reticulated.

Let me remind everyone that this is not censorship. Censorship implies that the government has banned the episode in question. This is not the case as its still possible to stream the subbed version of the episode. No, what has happened was that the distributor to the Pokemon anime has decided not to localize this

Uhhh.. have you never heard of/seen embossed or pressed cardboard? It’s a thing.

Microsoft backed off their idea that lead to that... will Sony have the balls to admit they’ve messed up and do the same?

... no? Never!?

Thats just horrible. I cant even leave my house to the supermarket without showering!

Your loss. Believe-it-or-not, there are noticeable differences between the two.

I can personally recommend Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy 1&2, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man: Homecoming.

For someone that doesn’t like/play golf, I really enjoyed Golf Story.

I’ll just say I saw this movie yesterday and cried like a baby and everyone should see it. It’s beautiful and strange and satisfying and not your typical Oscar bait yawn fest.

Also, the heroes are a woman with a disability, a black woman, and a gay man and the villain is basically a stand-in for toxic white

The Mario Odyssey DLC looks fun to play, but I’m still holding out for a new Kingdom (was hoping for Isle Delfino, but the Sunshine outfit coming out now seems to make that less likely).

Uh, Capcom made three Zelda games, Sega made F-Zero GX, and Bandai Namco has 2 Mario Kart games, the most recent Smash Bros. games, and Pokken. Plus, MonolithSoft helped out with Breath of the Wild and Ubisoft made Kingdom Battle.