Unless he is left-handed.
Unless he is left-handed.
Real women are always prettier.
Did that DeSoto run over Santa Claus?
Or there’s a bottomless well of pictures of half naked women on the internet. Either or.
It may not be the only reason, but it is another nail.
It might also have something to do with Exxon Mobil’s recent fine of $2 million for “reckless disregard for U.S. sanctions requirements” during Tillerson’s tenure as head of Exxon Mobil. Oops.
“Choadnan the Barbarian.” Sadly, I laughed at this.
It still sounds like America didn’t enter the war until June 6, 1944.
I think “right trajectory” is the key here. Even though the spring could fit through the space in the halo, it’s probably much more likely that it would hit the halo rather than pass through.
Have another star, you magnificent bastard.
Alex Jones, is that you?
as soon as she puts her panties where they belong
It works really well if you take the word “Great” and replace it with “White.”
In the land of sky blue waters.
Yes. I had the Honda tech show me the documentation and part numbers to be sure. We have a 2003 Odyssey.
Fake news!
The show is campy and fun, and nothing more than an hour of thinly (and not-so thinly) veiled sexual innuendo. Enjoy.
UFO, a 1970 sci-fi series by Gerry Anderson.