
PM Binali Yildirim earlier denounced an “illegal action” by a military “group”, stressing it was not a coup. He said that the government remained in charge. (BBC)


Yes. The one that some people want to Make Great Again™.

God bless you McMike. You’re doing the Lord’s work.

Was she Karving her initials on the møøse at the time?

It's after Labor Day.


Yeah, it sounds like Kinja dug it up for some reason. I’ve gotten a handful of stars on my comment in this article today. I’ve got that top banner hidden with AdBlock on my browser, so I didn’t see it.

Did it appear in the sidebar? Because those sidebar articles are chosen by some super secret Kinja algorithm based on current posts, comments, etc. The other day, I received a star on a comment I made 6 years ago.

One of the greatest legacies of Todd Beamer and and all those aboard AA93 on Sept. 11 is that passengers will no longer sit meekly and hope for the best. Unless this guy had a bomb (which is unlikely, despite the TSA), he would not have been able to overcome a planeload of empowered passengers who have the courage to

Who cares tho.

You can get an Uber or Lyft from COTA into downtown, or from somewhere outside of downtown to COTA. But you can’t get one from downtown Austin to anywhere.

Well, maybe not IN the BMW....

She looks like she needs to go to the bathroom first.

You re-wrote my story, Tom. I appreciate the share, but that’s not what I wrote.

Well, that sucks. I just saw the Blues a few weeks ago at Fort Worth. I probably have photos of the pilot who (presumably) died.

Well you got the high property taxes and sale tax.

Dallas gets just enough ice for people to have a modicum of skill driving on it. Or at least enough sense to stay off the roads. Austin is a shit show when it gets icy.

Here you go. Complete with a moose because Canada. More evidence that nobody has ever had an original thought because the Internet already thought of it.

De rien!