That movie was a staple at the midnight movie theater in my old town. Considering my general state of mind for those midnight rock shows, I’m surprised I remember any of it....
That movie was a staple at the midnight movie theater in my old town. Considering my general state of mind for those midnight rock shows, I’m surprised I remember any of it....
I like this ending better.
Hey! I resemble that remark.
If you feel we’re jumping to conclusions, then perhaps you could have been clearer in your original comment. We’re only reacting to what you wrote, not what you meant to write. Thanks for clearing it up, though.
Drive right (or middle), pass left. It’s civilized.
That must vary by state, because just yesterday I was talking to the Travis County (TX) deputy who patrols our school zone and he said that he can write a citation based on a citizen report. In fact, he was there looking for two drivers who didn’t obey the crossing guard based on their reports. I hope he nails them.
Putting the manual in neutral, and releasing the clutch, cuts down on clutch wear. But I would suggest keeping the foot on the brake.
Dress for the crash, not the ride. She, however, looks to be dressed for the ride.
I remember an episode of 5-O when McGarret drove that beast onto the beach and buried the front wheels in the sand before jumping out to nab the bad guy. They didn’t show the tow truck that had to pull it out.
And all of those guys could fit in the back seat. My mom had one of those. To say it was big would be an understatement.
Perhaps somebody already pointed this out, but I see this sort of language in stories about car crashes and it drives me crazy:
I’ll just leave these here.
Tyler writes some great stuff, but he’s needed a good editor forever.
They don't protect against those kind of shots.
Every ride, every time.
Thanks. I try.
I cannot lie.
The Buff is on track to have a 100-year service life. Incredible.
Which one will still be flying 40 years from now?