Here’s a bit of perspective: Wilbur and Orville Wright made their famous First Flight on December 17, 1903. Orville Wright was 32 years old. Chuck Yeager flew the Bell X-1 past Mach 1 on October 14, 1947. Orville Wright would die three months later (Wilbur died in 1912 at age 45 from typhoid fever). So, the world went…
As my mother always says, “Use a word in a sentence and it’s yours for life.”
It’s a great word.
An excerpt*:
Interesting. When they closed the old Mueller Airport in Austin and moved it out to the old Air Force base, they started redeveloping all the land into houses, condos, shops, etc. But they the old tower, built in 1961. One of these days, they are going to restore it. But I’m not sure what it will be restored into. I’m…
Trigana Air has had 14 serious incidents since it began operations in 1991, losing 10 aircraft in the process, according to the Aviation Safety Network.
Uh, huh-huh. “Tools.” I said, snap on, not...
I lived in Norfolk, VA back in the ‘80s, and we constantly saw Tomcats and Hornets out of NAS Oceana, Hawkeyes out of NAS Norfolk. When we went down to the Outer Banks, you could hear the sonic booms from out over the ocean. But we took it for granted. I miss it now.
That comment was crass, rude, insensitive boorish. I approve.
Never saw that one. I sure wish they would let us back in to see the other ones. With current events, though, there’s no chance of that.
Glad you like it!
Thanks. Sometimes we don’t see or appreciate the things that are closest to us until they are gone. I was quite surprised to discover the base all those years ago when I started going up there. I had never heard of it. You may remember the fantastic set of static displays they have on the main entrance road. Sadly,…
Got a link?
For the last 20 years, I’ve been playing in the Abilene Philharmonic, and whenever I’m in town (I live in Austin), I spend my free time out at Rister Park, smoking cigars and watching the show. I’ve gotten some pretty good spots out there, including this E-4 and this P-8. And here’s a Dyess Bone for good measure.…
#COTD (we’ll keep this one for tomorrow)
You’re welcome. I try to play to the room.