
I'm pretty sure that is where the new bridges crosses the old highway. The new roadbed will be lower. That whole section from Salado to Belton is a nightmare. And now they're starting to tear up Temple, forcing a six-lane road through an area where there were only four before. All while keeping the highway open.

That is a particularly treacherous stretch of I-35. The effort to keep the road open during construction has led to some very narrow lanes that change surface constantly. Sometimes you're on old highway, sometimes you're transitioning to new highway, always weaving back and forth. All while ignoring the posted 60 mph

Isn't this what Opera has been doing for some time now?

I started humming the theme music to Magnum PI when I saw this photo.

I'm not sure what you are asking here. There are two pilots. One left the cockpit, and the other locked him out. In the US, a member of the cabin crew is required to sit in the cockpit if one of the pilots leaves. This is not a requirement in Europe.

As long as we're speculating, or not speculating, here's one of the more interesting speculations I read today.

George Carlin, is that you?!

I have listened to both. And I agree that the commentary is good. But I just love the thrill of the sound of that car, and the speed. My god, the speed.

There has been talk of redundant systems for years. It was suggested by the NTSB back in 1999. There would be two sets of recorders, and one would automatically eject from the aircraft before impact, triggered by automatic sensors. The Navy has had deployable recorders since 1993. However, it always boils down to

I photographed this P-8 from Patrol Squadron 16 (VP-16), the War Eagles, based at NAS Jacksonville in Florida, when I was up at Dyess AFB in Abilene last October. They came in, did a couple of touch-and-goes and headed off into the evening. What a beautiful bird.

Now playing

I humbly submit Hans Stuck at the Nurburgring in a BMW M3 GTR. My favorite video of all time. Just sit back and crank the speakers. And listen.

Following up to your question, I just watched some aerial footage from the scene. The wreckage is entirely in very small pieces, with no pieces large enough to be recognized. Judging from reports that are coming out, my guess is that it went straight in at a very high speed.

Unlike the Andes, they have eyes on the crash site, and I read that the debris is spread over a fairly wide area. I think that, based on what they can see of the wreckage, that the call of no survivors is likely accurate, sadly. But, there's always hope.

I demand a recount!

If it ain't broke...

Adding to what WhoAreYou2 said, it would also be nice to know which states charge a state income tax. Texas, for example, does not. Which explains sales tax rates as high as 8.25%. (The state charges 6.25%, and municipalities are allowed to add as much as 2% on top.)

Ran when parked.

Good call, but I'm a beer guy. 50ml bottles of beer don't quite cut it.