
Needs more AT-802. It's the Sturmovik reborn.

I will, but it will be next year. My boys are in 3rd grade now, and won't have to participate until 4th and 5th grades. But I've bookmarked this link for future reference. Maybe we'll do this as a rainy day project some day soon. It looks like fun.

A number of years ago, I watched one of those "Why planes crash" shows. At the end of the series, the narrator said, "If you got on a commercial flight at random, every day, statistically it would be 100 years before you were likely to be in a crash. And then, the chances are god that you would survive."

Looks like I just found out what my son is going to do for his science project.

Jalopnik's reporter on the scene! Details at 11.

Not surprising. I live in Austin, and we have family friends who have had dealings with his cancer foundation. Their view of his work was that he would only do things that would burnish his reputation or make him look good. So in their opinion it was all a front for his own PR. Hey Lance, you're in a hole. Stop

Don't blame the venue, blame the product. More smoke and mirrors from Bernie to distract us from the fact that F1 is becoming boring. And I say that as a big F1 fan. Maybe that's more FIA's fault than Bernie's, though.

It looks like this requires Yosemite. I can't seem to do in 10.7.5. iPhone does not appear as a choice.

I like how the Hornet took out the AirBoyd logo on its way out of frame. Nice touch.

It's not for everybody, but if you're a fan of Terry Gilliam, you'll enjoy it.

Have you ever seen Brazil?

Now playing

I despise the way pop singers sing our anthem. It's "The Star Spangled Banner", not "The Star Spangled Ballad". Here's how it ought to sound.

Well, I guess we're getting somewhere.

I thought it was a series of tubes.

Part of NATO.

Possibly just peeling paint showing the metal underneath. Here's a photo of an unpainted Flanker.

Yeah, but who wants to be paid in Rubles these days?

Watching wing surfaces move is fascinating, even in a still photo. I love how this F-15C is pitching up at almost a 45 degree angle but the elevators are still almost parallel with the ground.

I did, too. 5 extra days. Woo hoo!

Or what the photographer desires. Perhaps "correct exposure" would be a better term.