
Testify! The gags are hilarious, even in the nightmare episodes (like the one with flipperboobootosis. Yeesh).

Daffy and Wile E. are my spirit totems. One is right (even if he's a greedy narcissist) yet never wins, and the other has plans that should work perfectly, but Life throws him impossible curveballs.

Testify. Jo-Jos are tastier than Oreos.

You can't even get the name of the author right, and you still expect to be taken seriously.

You can't even get the name of the author right, and you still expect to be taken seriously.

Pssst… maybe he never heard of the blog in question. Not mentioning it doesn't undermine the think-piece.

There's infamous video of a cow sucking up adorable baby chicks as they flee in stark terror.

Jesus Christ.

Howsabout if I don't think they're a dick because of their disability, but think they're a dick who happens to be disabled? And who, after over a fifteen years of interaction with him, seems to use it as justification for acting like a shitty person?

Oh, noes.

If you think I haven't given him the benefit of the doubt after years of contact, you're the one making assumptions. Even his pastor dislikes him, and that man is a veritable saint with infinite kindness and patience. I am not infinitely kind and patient, though, so I have no problem hating being in company..

I didn't realize cheating, sulking, smugness, and being wholly unpleasant even when called out on such behaviors is the illness' fault.

Yeah, but Friedman was a joke, and not in the good way. He had some legitimately good points, but blew them by being wishy-washy about campaigning in general. He didn't take it seriously enough.

Thursdays were historically NBC's night to shine, comedy-wise.

Like Leslie does Jost. Mmmmm, refreshing!

It has!

You've clearly missed all the posts about my accursed ex-wife. Keep up, man!

I personally know one legitimately Aspergean dude, of the "genuine diagnosed, not self-" variety. He's a grown adult, and wears a suit and tie everywhere (even to nerd conventions). That affectation, I can handle.

Dan Patrick, human dirigible Blake Farenthold, the aforementioned Gohmert could be any of the three incompetents.

Deep cut joke. Bravo.