
"The power of Bytes compel you!!!"

What? No one badmouths Season 1. Sure, the Season 2 farm gets plenty of gripes, but it's been pretty much all down hill since the Darabont season.

Got Run DMC's Raising Hell and The Fat Boys' Crushin' cassettes were my first hip-pop purchases (got them together, and what a diversity in sounds that was), and both inspired a love of the artform.

Big ups for the Turquoise Jeep shout-out.

I'll meet you in the middle—both versions of New Superman sucked.

Superman Returns gave us a mopey stalker Superman. That was awful.

Criticism is apparently like jazz, in that it's the things they don't say.

Ahem. If you're gonna "technically" somebody, at least be right, man. There was a whole world of dice from the original publication of the game (1974) to Second Edition (1987).

Can't tell if you're being serious or not, but the "accuracy" part comes not from the mechanics aspect, but the players / social aspect.

"I stopped reading fiction years ago, and only read non-fiction."

Naw, it was just an affectation and way to show Liv was experiencing "Dungeon Master brain". But I've seen dorks joke around by, say, using dice to decide what to order off a menu.

But… but… but… X is different than coke, maaaaaan!!!

And I need to know his views on Moll's other masterpiece, Ghost Shark!

His Dent / Two-Face was perfect casting.

This story made my week.

Oh, yeah. That one.

I know too many people that Just Don't Read. And those folks pay it shittily forward, having zero books in the house for the kiddos.

I'm not hip to the youth of today, but isn't "chemsex" popping some Ecstasy / goof-powder / glow-stick juice / whatever-is-cool, and then getting biz-zay?

These two clips are from one of the standout episodes, where the team has to handle X number of cases before midnight to beat a record.

Eh, I'm not really on board the "if you're a condescending snob, at least own it!" train. Yes, be true to yourself… but if yourself is a douche, maybe don't do that.