
I like the cut of your jib.

Buffalo Bill and The Duck Factory were gems. And speaking of the latter, I always knew that Jim Carrey fellow was gonna go places.

It was The Eighties. No one can begrudge her that.

Revisiting the show decades later, I was struck by the seriousness (and outright schmaltz) in the early seasons. It definitely wore its heart on the Harry's robe's sleeves.

It's a classic. No lie.

Having a pop-cultural touchstone as a common ground with new people is sensible social (dating or otherwise) advice, not "changing who you are". Cultural literacy is important.

This was the best (most accurate, most authentic, most "the writers / crew / cast gets it") depiction of a table-top RPG ever filmed, I say as a guy who's been slangin' dice since 1983.

"liberals gotta love em - they never let reality disrupt their bias"

I thought it was just me getting older and deafer.

Löwenbräu, because tonight is kinda special.


Apropos of nothing, Ugly Kid Joe songs have been showing up on my local classic rock station.

The thing about DC is that, since their continuity is always in flux, they can tell these "Big Stories" over and over again with new results.

Rucka said he is leaving because he can't keep up with the bi-weekly Rebirth schedule.

You've belabored your OMG, NOBUDDY HERE WATCHEZ THIS, LOLZ TEH SHOW SUXX points enough. (And I'd hardly call them valid.)

Awww, man.

I am so conflicted.

And only the writer can hear the silent screams of the plush lambs….

Who the fuck are you, and why bother wandering into a show thread just to shit all over it and the folks that enjoy it?

Lillian owns her building outright, and since Episode 1, has been ridiculously lax about collecting the rent. (Titus and rent were a major story beat, even, as Lillian was going to evict him unless he took Kimmy on as a roomie.)