Avengers: Initiative was / is an unsung classic. Damn, that book had soooo many, "Who-hoo! Comics!" moments.
Avengers: Initiative was / is an unsung classic. Damn, that book had soooo many, "Who-hoo! Comics!" moments.
Spider-Man is my wife's favorite funnybook character. She grew up on comics and cartoons, and has a true affection for both the Peter and Spidey halves..
Except his issues of Superman Adventures—a "younger readers" series based on the '90s animated series—were exceptional.
I love you.
Sneakers may be his best role in displaying that particular superpower.
Lies, lies, and damned lies.
Back in the summer of '94 (or '95), the local fine arts museum held a summer-long movie festival called the "Blaxploitation Bijou".
Put your weight on it!
Didn't see this mentioned in the comments, but it's worth noting just how committed Aykroyd is to his Elwood schtick.
It was totally an authentic (can't believe I'm using that word in this context) House Of Blues.
There's a lot to love about Dr. Detroit.
I gotta question the comedic tastes of anyone who loves Spies Like Us.
Confessing is fundamentally a selfish act, meant to make us feel better at the expense of hurting another. Best to admit nothing, and suffer in silence—internalize, learn from it, and move on.
I think there are ways to make a sinking marriage easier: just don't do the the things that make it worse. And there are infinite amounts of worse-things….
The fact that you've had that argument once is terrible.
That earned a follow-up cackle.
That made me guffaw in my cubicle just as The Management walked by.
Miss A has it right. This problem has easy fixes.
Your situation sounds awful, but the chickenshittery needs to stop for your kids' sakes. Going outside the marriage to find something? "Nuking it"? "Fucking up elegantly?" That's passive-aggressive, and hoping to drive your spouse into action that you can't / won't take.