
Yeah except normal neighbors don't higher rogue axemen to come to hour house to cut your bush down. This guy needs to have is clock seriously cleaned. Or better yet use the same mentality he has, and hire an assassin squad. "Larry Ellison is standing in my way, cut him down boys!!!!"

I don't think anybody is claiming that either the russian or american pilots are not crazy enough to get that low. I'm sure that the Blue Angels could in most cases pull off a maneuver where they get very low the ground quite easily. But the fact is they have very strict guidelines about how low you can be while

Actually it's because they routinely use their money to get what they want, and when they can't get what they want they respond like spoiled bastards. This guy if found guilty of wrong doing (unlikely) should get his ass handed to him. And lawsuits like this which only cost the little people of this world more money

Aspect ratio has nothing to do with wether or not it's standard def. Your mixing aspect ratio with resolution. you can have a 4X3 (or any other ratio besides 16X9) TV with greater than 1080p resolution (it doesn't exist of course because it would be completely stupid) and still view material at it's native resolution


@Yay Taco: Lifehacker just had an article about this. I believe the application your looking for is called Subsonic. You should also look at Slimserver from Logitech which they purchased a few years back. Every weekend I stream any music I want from my library (which runs on iTunes normally, people can complain about

@ssspinball: Don't bother, I can guarantee he does not have that many devices that support DLNA or otherwise he would already know this. People using DLNA only do so because they refuse to try anything else.

@AmphetamineCrown: Yeah, smart move ESPN, now others will be expected to follow suit. That right there is the same thing as Fedex, threatening to dump Amazon's boxes because they don't pay them extra, due to the popularity of Amazon.

@BeyondtheTech: What your talking about is 10 years out at least. Not because of technical limitations but because all of the current CEO's and Executives at the Cable Providers need to die before that will happen.

@Nikkoli: No they all blocked Google TV because they are scared *#$tless about the average consumer actually learning that the Cable Providers are not actually needed if you have enough bandwidth.

@Patrick Yates: It's kind of the point, think of the most disgusting and revolting thing you can imagine and then compare this guy to that. Anything... Bueller....

@commander_k: Yes he'll be going to that "special hell" reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.

@GC: My bad I did not see his video at the top because I have noflash installed.

@pjcard: Really? Stop being such a pompous ass. My mistakes as you call them were that I simply did not craft a response that was terse and without any real content. You guys simply create two sentence statements meant to inflame people and then pick on any comment that goes against what you believe. If you can't be

@ttringle: Again this was meant to reply to pjcard and not brijazz. Would be nice to be able to edit posts after making them.

@SBP1: Um, first take your condescension and place it somewhere deep and dark. Second, all of those things I mentioned are fairly standard on any new sub $500 receiver that has HDMI. This is not 3 years ago.

@pdubs1087: Get over yourself already. It's not "easy" and your post proves just that. Only nerds like us even know what the hell your talking about. And thanks for the attempt at educating me but I do know what all of those separate things are. I was talking about the "consumer" getting confused not me.

@brijazz: Didn't mean to reply to your post, but the one below it. I simply misclicked. But I thought the content would have described that. Sorry for the confusion. I was reacting to the "Proprietary standards aren't helpful to the consumer" comment by brijazz.

@GC: Um what the hell are you talking about? The word trailer leads to the latest trailer for the movie and not the test footage from 2008. The embed is the video. None of the links in that post lead to the test footage created for Comicon.