@Bluecold: Yes thats right, the Nazi's restricted internet content right before they sent thousands to the concentration camps. Please stop using that word if you have no understanding of history or have any real perspective on it.
@Bluecold: Yes thats right, the Nazi's restricted internet content right before they sent thousands to the concentration camps. Please stop using that word if you have no understanding of history or have any real perspective on it.
@BlueBalls: Pretty sure your name proves that you are completely wrong about her. She is in fact hot.
@The Werewolf: This is not new, so stop acting so damned surprised when it happens. Go complain to the source. Not us.
@davidr521: Um, I know you don't own any apple devices, and therefore are ignorant of how this actually is, but try to at least read the previous posts. All of the airplay features were added to EXISTING DEVICES!!! Nobody paid ONE EXTRA CENT for airplay.
@pjcard: You also know whats not good for consumers. New adapters every few years but that's never stopped the guys that make this stuff. Component, HDMI, HDMI 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and god knows what else.
@Norbs: We'll have to wait until two different applications can stream over airplay. Right now only the video and ipod apps support it and there isn't a way to play two different files at the same time. but it would be interesting to stream audio and video at the same time and see how the multitasking holds up.
@k21975: Apple has stated already I believe that they have no intention of enabling the video streaming to the ATV V1's. Most likely because this has been coded entirely in the iOS that is on ATV2 and it's basically the same code that allows it to work between iPad's iPhones etc.
@wheresmyjetpack: Added to my other response below. You should contact the college you went to and get a Refund. Seriously.
@wheresmyjetpack: Unless your a TSA screener, which although you do sound like a moron, I highly doubt since you claimed earlier that TSA employees are in fact airline employees. I was NOT saying YOU were under educated, I stated that the people in place (meaning the TSA Screeners) were under educated and under…
@wheresmyjetpack: No you need to learn to READ. The guy they were patting down TRIED to inform them that they were going to damage his urine bag. They ignored him (if his account is true) by ham handedly performing the pat down (which another recent article showed to be completely lacking in it's ability to actually…
@ddrussianinja: I believe your incorrect about the TSA and if they had paid more attention would have prevented the past few close calls we had. If I'm correct these last close calls were on flights that were coming into the US from the outside.
@daytripper1: Flying is not an american right but illegal search and seizure is. If they are not following procedure and by direct correlation any LAW that has allowed them to do these types of searches then they may be in fact illegal searches.
@ddhboy: She did not infer a terrorist attack against the TSA. She suspects that because the TSA is now following their procedures or in fact does not have true procedures for this type of thing means that eventually we as people are going to get pissed off and rebel against being singled out when it's not effective.…
Awesome post with level headed and thought provoking information. I may start reading this blog more often. It also scares the death out of me that these people are not doing half of what they say they are going to do. How much of what they are SUPPOSED to do are they just dismissing.
@SheetalGalolahere: Oh and as for that phone you mentioned running android (which my phone runs) thats an HTC feature that I believe is only available on that phone and not an Android feature in general. So all you did was point out how the fragmentation of all these disparate versions and modifications to Android…
@SheetalGalolahere: Dammit stop being such a troll. He did not represent this as "New Technology" he represented exactly as it is "A" new feature for APPLE products. If you are not using an iPhone or an Apple TV 2 then why the hell did you even read this article much less feel the need to take time out of your busy…
@Jukebox...meh.: Where are our Ben Franklins today. We sorely need them more than ever.
@ingolstadt: Pretty sure that my doctor can actually save my life. How many people have felt that the TSA inspectors are actually preventing anything these days?
@ttringle: plain = plane, duh.
@wheresmyjetpack: Hire more air marshals. PERIOD!!!! if they are so damned worried there should be a trained marshal on each plane.