@ttringle: should have read "they would not like to be treated they way they are treating others".
@ttringle: should have read "they would not like to be treated they way they are treating others".
@slowurroll: Maybe the government should look to do things smarter instead of just stricter. And these TSA assholes that apparently act like nothing is wrong when people talk to them should really just remember that they too are people and that they would not like to be treated the way they are treated. This starts at…
Ok, this has now officially gone too damned far. How about we train the TSA to have a little f*$(ing common sense next time.
@Caturday Yet?: What you are looking at is the image that the kinect sees run through a program he is using which marrys the depth information using the infrared camera and the realworld information using the normal camera melded on top of each other. He is then able to process it with a program to build the depth of…
@Slinkytech: Yeah because god knows those street lights don't.
@aek8: How can anyone honestly watch that movie and say that the 3D was not groundbreaking. Some people can't process 3D properly when it comes to the technology that displays it these days so you may be one of those people. Avatar was one of the ONLY 3D films that pushed the technology forward. But what was more…
@.Trenchant.: That young flynn in the Grid is actually completely CGI. At least the Head is. They did not simply young up Jeff Bridges. At least I don't think so. Either way it's pretty amazing stuff as long as they get the lip synching corrected by the time the movie comes out. What they have shown already looks…
@SewerShark: If the information was supposed to be public then it would have been on a press release that Apple put out in the AP. The fact that this was a meeting with a smallish group of Record publishers really should have made him realize that he was now in a different situation. He stated how amazing it was that…
@contact126: Microsoft got dragged before the DOJ on multiple occasions. They have PAID nearly a Billion dollars in fees to the European Union over illegally leveraging their ability to put whatever they want on the desktop or making deals to include some things and keep other things off the desktop and controlling…
@meehawl: So with regards to that version 2 iPad you mean like, January or February? People upgrade Apple products because they want to, I may not upgrade immediately but at least I have my current tablet which works great, um you know, Now.
@danuuc: possibly mispelled? It's a way to enter text on android phones that allows you to move your finger from letter to letter to create words instead of actually typing.
Oh man, now ya done it. *hunches head down as the howling android lovers (hey I like android) come screaming like the Scottish in Braveheart.
@jared9903: Wow. Here's an idea. How about you get a crew, and film
@ekornblum: What in hell does that mean? Pretty sure that wasn't
@pixelpushing: then use one of the many websites that give you a pool of minutes to use. You don't have to watch the entire movie, in fact most of these sites have scene based access. Not that I'm intimately familiar mind you.
That was aimed at the other responder btw.
@Martin Eichelman: Everything we say in forums is a form of self promotion. Lighten up.
@ithrewitontheground: jerk.
@NorthernRoamer: And with that he hopped back into his amish time machine and returned to the year 1800...
@pettiblay: Wow, I thought americans were bad and I live here. Don't be such a colossal Douche. Just as we American's alone don't decide who participates in the scientific community, don't think you have the right to determine it either because you have the luck (or whatever) of not being born in America. Everybody…