
Dark Souls 2 is such an amazing game that it is totally warranted to pick it up again. I loved everything about it though and it really was the first Souls game that sucked me in. I immediately went back and played 1 over again and then came back and played 2 for the PC - so I triple dipped for Dark Souls 2 (PS3, PC,

I'm going to miss you at GB, but I'm glad I'll still be able to read your content!

He puts out some amazing videos for Dark Souls. When Dark Souls 2 came out, I would eat lunch at work and just watch video after video of his.

If you truly have trouble with bosses, you need to invite people into your world to help. It's not cheating like some people think. Some like to go at it alone. I mainly play the non boss stuff alone and then invite people into my world to help me beat bosses. It's incredibly fun that way and while it may lessen

I just preordered Mario and Yoshi (for now.) I am so on board with these figures. It scratches that collector itch because they are neat figures, the kid in my itch because they remind me of the figures I would play with as a kid, and the RPG itch because of the consistent stats with the character you can build up.

I'm going to be busy this weekend. Between Bayonetta 2 and Fantasy Life, it's going to be a weekend devoted to Nintendo consoles, something that hasn't happened since I was probably 16.

I can maybe see getting THAT excited about a game being announced, but 1 character among 54 in a game? That's a little overboard.

I really enjoyed the game, but I can totally see how others wouldn't. I'm a bit action horror starved though so I'm sure I am looking past a lot of issues and just enjoying my time with it. It was a slog in the early goings with this game but once I hit chapter 3 or 4 and the mechanics opened up, I really started to

Sweet! This means it'll be out tonight! New Zealand always gets games on Wednesday and then we get them when they launch at 11pm EST in the states. Can't wait!

Sweet! This means it'll be out tonight! New Zealand always gets games on Wednesday and then we get them when they launch at 11pm EST in the states. Can't wait!

I was going to skip it, hell I tried to skip it! But when you're faced with a ton of cool info pouring out about this game and all the near videos - I just had to pick it up.

You haven't played many JRPGs then ;)

Those are free to play games. That's completely different. All of the Microsoft games are actual full priced games.

DLC != microtransactions

There are none. The fact of the matter is that right now it's a Microsoft thing and Sony is staying away from it. Not bias, just facts.

Such a good game that a ton of people never played.

Pretty sure this went right over your head.

I'm right there with you with fighting games. For some reason, even against my mind saying not too, I just jump around a lot. As if the weight of my 400 lbs. guy will do some damage or something.

These titles aren't exactly made to describe oneself. These are for describing others. So while you may think you're an ACE or Veteran, others may see you as the Infantile or Wolfpack player.

I was thinking about picking up a WiiU if Nintendo wowed me at E3. I was hoping for a small price cut and some amazing games. I don't care about Bayonetta and while Smash Brothers i nice, we knew about it. I tried, but I just can't get on board with Nintendo until they do something about their games and the price.