
There has never been any valid rumors involving Martin Sheen. Just people who didn’t think the obvious Charlie Sheen answer to Feldman’s clues wasn’t juicy enough.

Because Trump voters are fucking dumb. They think that the pussygrabbing is “just locker room talk.” I can only speak for myself and I’ve been in plenty of locker rooms and I never heard anything remotely like that.

This smells like it’s going to be the motherlode of stomach churning Hollywood scandal. I hope the rumours about his Dad are wrong but...

Well black people are pretty fragile now too. You’re triggered by white people who try to emphasize how much they’re an ally. That’s very feeling-based and not rational at all.

“if that’s what you’re gonna do then we don’t want your allyship.” So then do you speak for every person of color? That is the problem with these posts to begin with. Someone pretending like the speak for an entire race of people. 

Yes, I do see that I am doing the exact thing that Danielle is speaking about. Obviously, I disagree with aspects of what she said and was making that clear. I’m a realist. Just from the aspect of pure numbers POC need every single white person possible to rise up against this wave of white supremacy. We’re beyond

Heather Heyer, the white woman who was killed, certainly had her privilege checked didn’t she? In fact the vast majority of the counter protesters were white which, due to simple demographics, is the way it’s going to have to be to push back against the resurgent white supremacy movement. Some white person reacting to

I was fine, no tears, until I saw this. Oh my god, that is so sad. Just breaks my heart.

That pup is the best. I hope he has an amazing person to take care of him now.

Gary’s the greatest!!

I’m now a mess of snot and tears:


I’m not crying!

I like to think that she gave a fuck, just about more interesting kinds of things than other people. She gave a fuck about her dog and about correcting assholes and about wearing what she felt like wearing.

She was a true “rebel” in both film and life.

Carrie Fisher didn’t give a fuck and did what she wanted. I admire that.

The comments are demonstrating why people don't notice weight gain. There seems to be a misunderstanding between local fluctuations and over all trends. If you continuously dismiss those extra pounds as due to your food baby, then you are going to miss when you stopped fluctuating between 140-145 and started

Muscle is heavy.

I'm totally biased here as the husband of a medical professional, and I really don't feel like being the "concern troll" this morning, but...