
Welp, looks like Trump just lost all the Bee-hive voters. Now all he has left are some angry white men, a handful of spineless white women, and one black frat boy who lost a bet.

Love all the reverse racism around here. 👍🏻 You people truly do it best.

APD is precisely the disorder I was referring to.

I absolutely will agree with that.

I believe that Lohan has characteristics of a personality disorder. Unfortunately, that can be difficult to treat.

My mother was abused by my father for seventeen years. In that time, I feel that I learned a lot about domestic abusers and their manipulation tactics, the cycle of abuse, their personality traits, and the behaviors of their victims. I am currently studying Psychology, and plan to work as an advocate for domestic…

If you want the country music of your dreams, you must focus on what’s actually happening in Country music. Companies like Spotify are killing our song-writing industry, judges are failing to see the importance of paying songwriters their rightful royalties (a living wage), and it’s utterly destroying an entire…

I hate you for this.

15-20 hours?

Because freedom of speech is apparently the most dangerous thing in this country. Do they even realize they are starting to act like ISIS?

Never. Narcissists do not possess that typical human function of self-analysis

Melania Trump told Matt Lauer that she wrote her speech almost completely on her own with very little help. Now that the public knows her speech is plagiarized, she will do the typical Trump thing—which is to first take all of the credit, and when that doesn’t work out, take none of the blame.

I’m well aware of its brutal history... I should have said “modern Radical Christianity.”

I thought it was spot on. Spears is disconnected.

Trump/Pence=Trumpets=Apocalyptic Warning

Radical Christianity, at its finest.

I was just there last month, and while I feel terribly for the woman, I'm surprised that more people or children haven't fallen into the Canyon. Parents were letting their children run wild as though it's a playground. I was extremely nervous watching how casual some people treat this potentially dangerous spot.

Scott can’t spend too much time with his daughter, or it would ruin a viable and lucrative story line.

I’m impressed with her statement about her philosophical conversations with her child. Children need to be encouraged to explore their imaginations, and discover the Universe in their own ways. This, as opposed to being handed a book that claims to already have all of the answers to everything. The former encourages…

I cannot believe the racist comments that have been posted on this forum against whites, that would NEVER fly if they were said about blacks. Absolutely vile. There is no room for racism against anyone.