

How do you continue to make me care about things I never knew I could?

Many people do that, and it makes my skin crawl. When people start regurgitating campaign points verbatim without any regard for actual meaning, I just gag a little. Especially when people say that “Trump is going to Make America Great Again.” Like WTF does that mean?!?! Do they even know?

Ha, I just searched the word to make sure I hadn’t been using it incorrectly all these years, and then I had flashbacks of times when I had said it to my Professors. I checked my visual memory to make sure they weren’t looking at me cockeyed.

These crazy religious politicians don’t want women to have abortions, incase one of the baby’s is the future anti-Christ here to usher in the end times and bring God back. It’s all just a sick plan to usher in Revelations.

The tight zoom...that is epic.

Ok, replace any of her nude images for that one. She's no Martha Stewart.

Wow. Is that what you thought it was?

Why are you so offended by this photo that you want to flag it?

It's just a picture of sex. Grow up a little.

Where in the hell do you buy your vanilla?

I hope you all are right. I just registered to vote for Hillary or Bernie (whoever is the primary candidate), and my husband (from Texas mind you) is also going to vote democrat. We can’t stand Trump.

I’m in the Deep South. I’m surrounded by Trumpmageddon everywhere I go. I need someone to tell me that he can’t win, and explain how, to calm my nerves.

This is terrifying to imagine. Jesus.

Quite a price difference between them, eh?

Take Cruz, Rubio, Jeb!, and Trump with you when you go...

Selena performed twice. But she tends to whisper-sing, so maybe you just couldn’t hear.