
And people say android invades its users privicy.

@alek2407: The most popular platform will always be the most targeted, apple cant hide behind security through obscurity for iphones, if the police have a tool that can suck cell phone information it would have to work on iphones to be really useful simply because they are so popular.

my 5770 can max out any game yet so long as i dont put on ridiculous levels of AA, i consider running 90%+ of the games on the market with everything except AA and filtering at max to be "maxing out" a game. And to be honest the pc games market has not had any real hardware killers in a while and i doubt there will be

The new amd chipsets can handle 1600mhz ram without overclocking, as for the graphics card yes you will get better performance with a single new card, but when others upgrade their rigs you can buy their old cards for pretty cheap, and by using two cards you can hold out for another couple of generations.

For cost see my post on the $719 pc that will max out any game for years to come. (i got tired of copying and pasting the same stuff.

@SacredByte: I can see where you are coming from on both points, but i wanted 1600mhz ram, and a power supply that could handle crossfire with two 5770's when the price dropped enough. I was going for a system that would not need upgrading for a good while instead of one cheaper on the upfront cost.

@ILikeKubrick: $719 for a machine that will play any game on the market for the next 5 years or more with no upgrades at all.

@WestwoodDenizen: You are exposed to much much more radiation living near a coal plant than a nuclear one. And look at the situation in Japan, a 40 year old nuclear reactor just a few years away from being closed down gets hit by the biggest earth quake in a century, then it gets hit by a 20ft tall wall of water going

Dont worry, it happens to the best of us.

I built a pc 4 years ago, and the only upgrade i have made since then was a $200 graphics card. My Brother who built an identical machine has not upgraded it in any way and his can play nearly every game on the market at max or near max settings, and those it cant it runs just fine at slightly lower settings. Simply

One word steam, sure the prices are not rock bottom on relese day but wait till the next steam sale and it will be half off or more and last seasons greats will be going for $5-$10.

The power supply is the third item up, the chrosshair. As for the graphics card i have never found a game where my graphics card was powerfull enough to play the game and was not "supported". And before you go on about how you need to upgrade your graphics card every five munites to play games on a pc my brothers rig

To all of you saying that pc gaming is too expensive, $719 for a machine that will max out any game on the market for years to come. And if that sounds like to much money for a game machine when your xbox costs $300 keep in mind the average price i pay for a pc game (even big titles) is $17.

@bharvey13: I built a pc 4 years ago, and the only upgrade i have made since then was a $200 graphics card. This machine can play every game on the market at max, without the graphics card upgrade it would still be more than decent for most games. Simply put this machine (about $850 when i built it) can still handle

@usedtowork: They can still change whatever they want, they just cant call the product with their changes Android or use any of google non open source stuff (Market,maps, ect)

@Sci-fi-Chic: Look into fast neutron reactors, they can use that "waste" as fuel and lower its half life from thousands to about 100 years.

@Riff-Raff: You can torrent a Win 7 disk or get a friend to duplicate theirs, Purchasing a windows disk is pointless as the license key is on the tower. So option 3 is no cost really.

I dont think you understood my point. Its not the oil thats the problem, its the metals. We can produce energy other ways, and our water, air and other life essential elements also recycle indefinitely, hell even oil will renew itself given time, but metals can only be formed in a star by nuclear fusion, and as such

I do not understand all these people and events trying to move us to a "sustainable" society, it is impossible for any technological society to be truly "sustainable" simply because of metals, yes they can be recycled and reused but every time you lose a few atoms from the surface and then a few more when you melt

@da_arwin: At least in Huxly's state everyone was happy and no one was killed for dissenting.