
That was one of my favorite games, but i have never heard of it mentioned before here. As an avid gamer i would place it on my top ten all time i find it strange that no one else seems to know it existed.

@tokugawa: Look into fast neutron reactors, they would cut the half life of radioactive waste down from thousands to about a hundred years, and the resulting lower energy level nuclear waste can not be used for weapon fuel, All the while using the old "waste" as more fuel. Right now they are not cost effective but

We will not see many of these improvements on a large scale untill console gamers get new consoles. Untill then the vast majority of games will be developed for the 5 year old hardware of the current gen consoles.

support for the graphics chip and android 2.3 graphics code could make a difference.

@craiglloyd: Weird i have a Incredible and it works great, a little slow on some games but that is supposed to be fixed in time, super Mario 64 runs a full speed with sound flawlessly and most others simply require turning off the sound to play at a decent speed. The only reason i can think of that yours might be

@MJDeviant: I just got it and i can say the on screen controls are quite good, they are not as good as physical ones but they are as good as virtual ones get.

@Platypus Man: I was under the impression that this is the beta, and the lite version will be out once he considers it stable.

@RuckingFetard: Why is it embarrassing? there is no copyright infringement being committed by the creator of the app or the app itself, the games it is emulating are no longer sold thus you are not robbing the developer of sales, and like all of the other oid emulators a free final version will be released with only

@Shawn Pepin: I have it and the control scheme is actually really good, yes there are some hiccups but you can actually play the game.

No, just no all the antivirus anyone ever needs is MSE, and its free.

@metronome49: Good software is never finished, but i will admit they could have spent another month polishing, as it is there will be an update puts the last touches on the product. Its not as if it is to remain unfinished forever or even as it is its very usable, if you are grasping for something to criticize you

@reddyroc: Its finished just not quite the best it can be yet. I got to play with one for quite a while and while there are some specific bugs they are not more numerous or severe than some bugs on final apple products.

@thenail: They are only unnecessary until apple implements them, i get tired of that argument.

@kingmaker: from the looks of things you only have to wait a few months for the flood of honycomb tablets from almost every major manufacturer, i am sure one will be to your liking,

Really? a quick google search reveals nothing, do you have a source for that?

Unless google takes %10 of in app purchases that is not nearly as much of a problem. If amazon where to sell their app for $12 they would not have any pre requite costs hence nearly $11 profit. And all the in app purchases remain unaffected $2 profit form the book, that is of course if google only charges that 10% on

They are not taking 30% of the profit, they are taking 30% of the total cost, this means that in situations where there are fixed costs apples cut can be greater than the content providers profit and result in the situation i described above. For example amazon buys the right to sell a digital copy of a book from the

The problem here is not that this policy nets apple 30%, the problem is that apple is forcing its content providers to to match prices outside of apples store, this forces them to do one of two things