
Hey, do you know what you do when a close friend of yours has just died? You grieve, and you get on, and you wait for everyone to be back together again. I’ve written the entire site on my own today, the day after I found out my friend and colleague had died. And the response I get for trying to write something with

First of all... YIKES these comments y’all. There are bad takes and then there are people who apparently thought Symmetra was black or who think all Egyptians are black and just... y’all, do better than this.

I’m not being disingenuous. I was being facetious and/or sarcastic.

White dudes make hot, skinny lesbian game mascot and deserve praise for it!

Apparently the term “black” to 95% of the people who have commented on this article are:

You do understand that not all women of color are black, right?

Most Africans look down on black folk because, “we are a lost people with no history” (to which the response is always “Bitch, we was slaves! It ain’t like we forgot the shit on purpose!”) and want nothing to do with us. The general consensus is that if they won’t claim us, then there’s no point in pretending we are

That’s an Indian woman. 

...WTF? No, of course they don’t count? They’re not even black, they’re Egyptian, that’s like saying you don’t need to add a character from Isreal because you already have characters from Asia?

How would Ana and phara count as being black? Lmao

Of course they’re not “African-American” they’re not American lmao.

*kicks you*