
Dangit, why can't these things ever last? They're always "removed by user" by the time I've gotten to them.

The AFL is my favorite sport ever, I thank ESPN every day for creating ESPN3 as it allows me to watch tons of the stuff. Honestly, they could cancel the NFL, NHL, NBA and MLB but as long as they just played AFL matches on the weekends and Monday night I couldn't care less.

Now playing

I was confused when I clicked on this article and saw this Doogie Howser video. Especially since the last video was about the Roush Mustang and this was the first site I visited once I opened up my browser. Usually the new layout makes sense in it's screwups but this one just boggles my mind.

I don't think he's even being charged for murder. I saw on somewhere that it was for 'terrorism'. So in Norway you get the same amount of jail time for murdering 90+ people as you do selling drugs in America (if it's two charges).

I'm surprised the "Free Streaming" bit didn't list the LionsGatemovies channel on YouTube, what with amazing movies such as 'Party Camp', 'Drop Dead Sexy' and 'Cheerleader Ninjas'.

Tell that to my roommates PS3 which refused to allow Netflix. Yes Netflix worked on some PS3s but on others it wouldn't. It's weird why it would on some and not on others, but the PSN outage did in fact affect Netflix on [some] PS3s.

I like to chase down every car that drives by and tell them to forget what my house looks like. I pop them a 'forget-me-now' and all is good. NOBODY should be able to see anything on MY property.

Okay, yea the first thing you're supposed to tell an officer upon getting pulled over is that you have a CHL, but that doesn't excuse the officers for anything they said/did. Those officers seem completely worthless pieces of excrement. It's obvious they have anger problems/issues. They don't let the guy say a single

People still use the internet, after terrorists used it to communicate to people and let's pedophiles contact children and share child pornography?

You might leave, but many more will join. It's what most of the people like. Personally I wish there was a way for the Internet to actually determine how old a user is so places like Facebook could have a setting to not show any over/under a certain age.

I think he could give my dad a run for his money on jean shirts.

Wait... Ubisoft has online games?

That's why I still haven't picked the game up. Been waiting for decent edits to come out as well as a patch or two that will fix the inevitable bugs that appear in Dynasty mode. I'm getting antsy though.

How is this a scam? The only thing I've seen mentioned is that you're having to pay to bid, but it states that clear as day on the site. If they secretly took money from these people or came back later forcing them to pay money that was never mentioned, then maybe I could get on board the "it's a scam" wagon... but

Well, I'm pretty sure the new GTA WILL be set in LA, so...

How is that civilization not producing any culture, or none at all in over 100 turns?

"You'll all buy it"

"It simplifies it so that the less skilled player has less to think about"

Finding towns in older RPG games were one of my favorite parts, getting to a place where you could interact with other characters, search around homes for random loot/treasure chests and finding the shops were fun. It's something many missed from the last FF game. Also there was hardly a fast pace to the last FF, if

Not to mention it shows he has remorse (or something like that). I know with my parents when I was younger if I told them about something before they found out they were always likely to punish me less than if I waited until they found out through whatever other channels.