
Yea, every iPhone I've had backs them up into at least iTunes, if not MobileMe. I've never once been scared of losing contacts when I've gone through and restored my iPhone for whatever reason.

I think it's pretty obvious people aren't happy with the TSA, don't know where you're getting the idea that they are. And for some people flying is the only option. Glad you don't mind driving 15+ hours nonstop, but for others that's impossible, or they don't want to risk falling sleep at the wheel once they've been

Now playing

Funny, I actually looked up the commercial to the EZ Smoker E-Cig the other day after seeing it on TV briefly because I thought the commercial was the dumbest thing ever (especially the Will Sasso looking character) and came across a forum where they were discussing whether or not they'd make you put this away in

I'd be happy to vote once I find out how to get the image to load. All I'm seeing is a guy with a red mark across his chest.

I remembered reading a similar story as well, Jalopnik did a story in April when it first happened.

I know I've seen quite a few game being streamed on without issue. I remember streams being taken down for the COD games, GTA:IV and RDR before the game was out, but I've seen streams of those being done now (or at least just after launch) and they aren't touched.

Sounds great to me. I'm fine with simply unlimited streaming. I don't have a need for Blu-Ray rental which is why I haven't used that part in quite a few months (in the year I had the DVD/BD rental option I got maybe 5 DVDs and those were MST3K, which are now almost all on their streaming side). Maybe it'll change

I know this is a few months old, but it was linked with the new San Andreas/GTA:IV Mod article.

Aren't flip books physical GIFs?

I get that it would mean videos where the game is showed negatively would likely get taken down immediately, but can't they technically take down those videos anyways?

I can see where they're coming from. I mean, how many times have you sat in front of your computer holding a controller and pretending you're playing the game? I do it at least 2 hours a day and it's probably saved me thousands. The best part is you don't even have to get up to switch games.

The only thing appalling in those emails was the terrible troll attempt by AntiSec.

I remember when we lived out in the country in the early 90s, and multiple family members would come over with brown paper grocery bags full of fireworks, ranging from the simplest smoke "bomb" to the most expensive product to those giant boxes of assorted fireworks.

I've found Aussie Rules Football is pretty entertaining and I'd take that over NFL, NBA or MLB any day. Plus ESPN3 has tons of it on either replay or upcoming.

I jumped to 2:10 randomly and hilarity ensued immediately. Lasted until the spaceship and laser beam at 5:40. Not sure if I can continue on.

For anyone wandering to that site, be weary of the "How to sit for MALES" link. If you think it might show some NSFW material, you're right. Luckily I only had my roommate looking at me weird (I wanted to see if it would show what I thought... and it did).

As soon as I saw the story yesterday of the group calling it quits because "they're mission was accomplished" I knew it was because they were scared of being caught now, or thought they may have already been close to being caught.

I thought the same thing. It's funny they send out some huge statement about hacking the governments and getting awesome info, then a few days later run away with their tail between their legs.

I like Chappelle and I enjoyed this show a while back when it was new, but my roommates occasionally watch it on Netflix and I can't help but not laugh at it. I'd honestly rather him just do a new stand up special on HBO than a new TV show.

This made me think of a video on YouTube by the Shaytards. They got stuck in an airport for a few hours and killed time by just riding around in a wheelchair and at one point end up cruising next to Matt Roloff.