
I've dranken beer in front of a cop before on multiple occasions and they've never done a thing. You can also, in certain states, be publicly nude and there's nothing they can do about it as it's legal and under the category of free speech.

Also with that, there WAS a contest here in Texas that allowed you into the War Room, though I don't know who won that and this kid looks kind of young.

And I remember someone getting on to me before when I mentioned how I didn't like EA. Go ahead and add ideas like this to my list.

Most college girls here drive the new Mustang or Camaro. Today every Mustang I saw was driven by a female, though I did see Mustang's belonging to men, just they were parked. Jetta's are also very popular.

Thanks for saying it. I read this on my phone earlier and cringed when I saw "West Texas" and then where the picture was from.

Did you not see the HUMOR tag?

After watching this I was left with the need to watch the first episode again, mainly the end with the sniping scene and Rick shooting the crawler. I thought the season was great but it never touched anything near what the ending of that first episode was like.

I played the BETA of Uncharted 2 MP for a few minutes and never touched that again or the MP when the game came out. The single player experience is amazing but the multiplayer is something that I couldn't care less about, but that's what people care about these days and if it gets the game more sells... then so be it.

What's behind the trend is how easy it is to upload a photo from the iPhone to flickr. Last I uploaded one it only took a few seconds. Don't think the same can be said for cameras.

These are the ones that made the most sense:

If someone has gained access to a safe, they've most likely broken into your home in which case they can already obtain most of the information that would already be engraved there. Or some crazy disaster like this happened where I wouldn't mind if random people had access to all that stuff if it otherwise meant I

With how many people want controls for the iPhone's games, how big of a mess would this be? PS3 and 360 have about 16 different buttons and for PC gaming it only increases from that.

It's pretty simple... HDMI In/Out up top, non-HDMI In in the middle and then speaker plug in's at the bottom (for banana plugs at least, you could also just wrap the wire around the "dials" but I go with plugs). I think mine actually has more plugs, it at least has another Zone and another HDMI In.

I've messed around with a few different BlackBerry's and never liked them as much as my iPhone, but even with that view of them I really don't see anything wrong with these gestures.

Ya, I just find it hilarious that the skateboard is very noticeable at different parts. And looking at it now the quoted part comes across as sarcastic, guess that's what happens when you're skimming through articles pretty quickly.

My dislike of EA comes from abuse of customers on their sports division side, as most of their sports games carry the same issues year in and year out, with the refusal to patch the game to fix them. Another is how many times they've either misinformed the customer as to the quality of games on both systems, usually

I'm not saying it WAS a lie, I was saying IF they were lying, it wouldn't help the way people viewed them JUST to get some views on an article/YouTube video.

Oh ok. On some of these sites I have the urge to just read 'featured' posts but end up looking at 'all' just because there are the occasional um-promoted posts that are interesting. Of course you also have to deal with the troll posts, but I think it's usually worth it.

Read the first sentence at least...

No, we don't.