
Yes, realistic.

Thank you, I don't know another person besides me that enjoys Bob's Burgers.

I would have read it anyways. As for my views of the commercial... I wouldn't have cared if they were faked, just as nobody else would.

Yea just about every shot that had a "regular" person in them looked fake.

At the non-approved or the posts by people with extreme views? I thought I was at least approved here and really I don't mind this guy too much. He's responsible for the iPhone jailbreaking which I've used on every one I've had, so can't really be too upset about this scenario.

Despite every GeoHot article being flamebait and 98% of the posts being made by people with extreme views the articles bring in a lot of hits, so they're going to keep posting them.

He discovered/invented calculus? Hmm... here I was thinking that it was something thought of centuries ago. I'm going to need to have a word with my cal professor tomorrow.

This can't make him look good...

It would make sense if we didn't have 8-10Mbps consistently. Every other browser on there (Firefox, Chrome, Safari) still had fast download speeds, Internet Explorer was the only one with slow speeds.

I remember the last time I used Internet Explorer. It was after a new install and update of Windows 7 and to download a file as small as the Chrome installer took something like 2 minutes.

Friday is followed by a Saturday and then a Sunday. Hmm, you learn something new every day, don't you?


I know at least one person that has ordered Japanese games for their points. It's just ridiculous. Sure I'll try to get all the Trophies/Achievements for a game that I bought and I do like having high scores/points/whatever but I would never go out of my way to buy or rent a game just to add to that.

I understand about the bubble, just as I'm sure most every other large city has the same situation where you have some of the nicest communities in the state as well as some of the worst.

Why do people get so angry towards gay people? They're just people with different views and opinions, you wouldn't have this much hatred toward somebody that doesn't like the same music or TV shows as you. Them being gay isn't going to affect you in any way so why care so much?

To be fair, it IS Detroit. Don't they have some of the worst graduation rates? I know I read recently having to shut down like half of their public schools.

We really need a new blog site for anything Facebook/twitter related.

I'm not a fan of Rutgers, or even basketball in general, but yea... that was definitely either traveling or out of bounds. But being in the anti-Rutgers category, this is hilarious.

Just as lame as Griffin's. Not the hood but still it couldn't have been done unless they removed the top part of the car. Put that back up and then do it, maybe I'll be impressed.

I think I would had to have asked the Nelly type fellow with the huge bandaid on his face to please let me go so I could walk around freely.