
Oh wait I'm racking up these gamer points for what? Nothing you say?

Do what I do, make your profile as private as possible, don't accept requests from people you don't want to add and simply hide the people you don't want to read about, so you're still "friends" but you never have to see them.

I kind of want to agree with you on that, but with some DVD's you have to go through so many WARNING screens and trailers that I think it may be quicker to load up Netflix, scroll to the movie you want and then wait for it to load, especially for the DVD's that don't let you skip those screens. At our house (myself

Yea you can mod the Jeep, just like you can mod the PS3, just as long as it doesn't mess with the software.

He calls himself Coco Crisp, he obviously isn't too bright.

This first part is for the people who think Sony has nothing to do with the console after you buy it.

the first man-made mass extinction!

Agreed, especially when people who killed someone (*cough* Donte Stallworth *cough*) get less than 30 days.

People parallel park here too, just not me. What I was trying to get at is that it's not a very hard thing to do*, guess I should have gone on about that a bit more. I see people parallel park on campus almost every day and they too have no issue with it and millions more parallel park each day in other cities. The

Because it's not needed? I've parallel parked twice in my driving history of ~10 years and those two times were once when we practiced parallel parking and then again during the test.

I just keep doing what I'm doing. I know the streets they park on to catch speeders so I try to stay the third lane over and go with the traffic (usually we're all 5-10 over). Any time I've done this and the car is there they've either not picked any of us up or picked up the first car(s) on the far right lane, I've

Or if they were even on duty. Cops here get to take their cars home with them, every day I see the same 5 homes with the police car parked in the driveway and I know of one apartment building which houses 3-4 different police officers and their cars.

Yea I looked it up afterwards and apparently there's like 8 different Del Monte companies and none are affiliated with each other. I just don't understand that, I'd figure there would be one main Del Monte and then one for different areas of the world (United States, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Canada,

Music taking up my space isn't really an issue anymore. I got the 32GB iPhone so that I'd have space for it, but since I've started using Pandora (mainly for in-car and on campus) I only have 300 songs on there and that's more than enough as I almost always use Pandora. It gives a good mix of artists and has actually

Del Monte, if you don't want to be associated with the things another (allegedly unaffiliated) Del Monte does, don't let them use your name. The name on the bag says Del Monte, you're Del Monte, to every person who will ever see the bags it's your dumb idea.

Before Blake Griffin Dunked Over [The Shortest Part Of] A Car, Kenny Smith Had A Three-Minute Religious Experience

Wait... people thought this movie would be good? I was interested when I saw Olyphant was in it but when I saw the trailer all interest immediately left.

I don't see this going anywhere, but still... this is the dumbest thing I've read about in a long time. Almost as dumb as HLN itself. Remember, this is the network that made Glenn Beck.

We live in an old house here in West Texas... encountering spiders inside is almost an everyday occurrence and we actually have a few living on our front porch with their webs. We welcome them since they keep the insect population down around our porch, it's the ones inside we'd prefer not to be there, though it

Yes, people stare at women's butts. In this video, though, it really looks like they have more of a reason to stare/look, such as there being something pretty noticeable. I've never seen so many people do complete 180s like they do in this video just to look at a girls butt. Some people have a confused look on their