T Taz

Yuck. I'm so sorry. Just had my year anniversary of my appendectomy and i get flashbacks here and there of the pain.

Friends and Will & Grace were literally the first examples I thought of too. After Season 5 in both shows, the characters just became caricatures of their former selves, and it was very tiresome to watch.

The old pompous southern white guy she ran against at the end of Season 4 was clearly a Republican

I giggled so hard reading your comment and remembering that scene. My favorite line tonight as well.

When Julia accepted an award sometime recently and apologized that the show had become a sobering documentary instead of a scathing satire, I truly understood her sentiment when yesterday I saw multiple interviews with Congressman who openly admitted to not reading the new GOP Healthcare Bill, and then watching Jonah

Oh for sure, I was mostly saying it in jest. Rupaul gave Manila the win for her quasi-racist Asian portrayal in Season 3's QNN News challenge, I'm all for poking fun at the stereotypes.

Aja's line at Prom was "Woomp there it is"
Rupaul's comment on her runway dress is "Hoop there it is"

Jennie, you meant Nina should "enunciate" her words, not "articulate".

Not sure which narrative was more cringey….

Can't find this clip you speak of. Can you link it? It's not on their YouTube channel.

I almost thought the show had something against Madonna, but then I remembered that Visage is a diehard Madge fan so that couldn't be it. It just felt very forced. Gaga has 10 years of looks, Madonna has 30. There should be no reason for duplicates…. tell all the girls to bring two options.

In no way am I bashing Sasha's talent. Her self-awareness, aesthetic, vision for her performances, well-spoken intelligence, and kindness since day 1 are making me root for her to take the crown. BUT…. Her J. Butler and Marlene, to me, did not funnel her keen understanding of characterization through comedy in a way

I doubt they appreciated being put through an Olympic-sized gauntlet of acrobatics resulting in multiple injuries, what's one more insult added to…. injury? 🤣

Oh I didn't mean allow Charlie to re-enter the competition, I just meant have him surprise everyone by introducing him as like a special guest celebrity on Snatch Game, being part of the game, and then that's it. No runway, no critique. Just a cute cameo a la Alaska as Anna Wintour in Season 7's runway challenge.

But that's exactly why I think it would have been ok to bring him back. Not sure what Eureka's character would have been, but Charlie was the frontrunner to win Snatch Game since they announced the cast for Season 9. So that alone is reason enough for me. BUT the cheerleading mishaps were of no fault of the girls, so

Thank you for the article. I wasn't really paying attention to Rupaul's hair/make up, but I'm glad to have read this and love a good think-piece on this iconic show is changing the scene/impacting mainstream/drag queens.

Jinkx's Alaska and Alaska's Laganja from BOTS are also the reasons why it IS possible to do a past RPDR contestant quite successfully on Snatch Game, IF you do your homework and you have the comedic chops/talent to back it up.

You make a good point. In the ether of Jackson impersonations, yes. I was only comparing it to the other queens with her in that episode.

Not only do I wholeheartedly agree with you about the triple elimination, but having Charlie return as a one episode guest ONLY for Snatch Game as a sort of tribute to her incredible legacy of celeb impersonation work would have been a nice touch.

Courtney-Madonna would've been brilliant. Walking on the runway with a microphone, stopping, and flinging a compact from behind to the front over my shoulder. Would have been amazing.