T Taz

Cynthia's fall on the runway was intentional. An homage to Madonna falling during one of her performances of Living for Love at an awards show.

This was an abhorrent episode, mostly because it was so meta with Michelle's and Candis' critiques demonstrating the need for people like Charlie Hides and no need for Farrah for the Snatch Game episode. They kept Derrick Barry around for Snatch Game, why couldn't they keep Charlie around?? I want Snatch Game to be

The grade is too kind. It would be a D if not for Alexis, and for Peppermint's backstory and LSFYL performance. So many girls tonight did a low-rent version of a past contestant.

Cannot take you seriously when you think Nina's Jasmine was funny and Thorgy's Michael wasn't. Thorgy's was STU-DIED. The voice, the mannerisms, the inflections, the giggling, the blushing….. Nina's sounded like she had just watched Jasmine's YouTube videos a few minutes before and was like "ghetto and snarky, I'll

….. how did each girl have the correct Kardashian outfit if they didn't know who they were going to be till Alexis assigned roles??

LOL….. um. Very astute and observant. And I think possibly accurate. Her Disaster princess look did seem, in hindsight, more faux fur runway.

Felt like a question engineered by the producers and prodded by them toward Alexis. I did feel bad for her though because it was obvious she would have won the challenge had her outfit been even halfway decent.

Damn. It's on Logo too.

Adore's "Poetic Justice smell my punani realness" intro look from AS2 first episode would've been very appropriate.

LOL same


Runway presentation for tonight's episode is on Logo website and on YouTube

My thoughts exactly. Before Rupaul called the girls back, I thought "Trinity is sending Peppermint home". Then when Ru announced the bottom 2, I thought… ok must be a double save then, because Trinity is too fierce a competitor to leave this early, and Charlie is getting the Derrick Barry treatment of "regardless of

Here is the YouTube link with the FULL runway segment from tonight's episode, complete with judges' commentary. No idea why this was left out. We needed a 90 minute episode.

That's a great point about the wedding reciprocity. So it's official, all the girls except Hannah have been married/engaged. Lovely!

Strange to me how Shoshanna invited Marnie, who slept with/dated Shosh's ex, yet the entirety of the Jessa and Hannah conflict was because of the exact same behavior???

The purpose of the "Adam and Jessa make a movie" storyline was two-fold:

I guess it's too little too late, but your question about the title of the episode is answered this week in HBO's Inside the Episode on YouTube. Frequently, Lena and co. bring up the title of the episode as it relates to the episodes.