T Taz

Lena said she wants to do a Girls Movie a la SATC…. HOW??? Jessa ruined that. Would anyone have wanted to see a SATC movie if Samantha had fucked Big in Season 6??

Not JUST Marnie's storylines have suffered from Abbot's early departure…. ALL the storylines. His leaving had a tumbleweed effect…. Marnie sleeping with Ray partly ruined his storyline too, and in turn partly affected Shosh's as well at the end of Season 3. There was just a lot of nonsense.

I really thought the dean was planning something sinister with the video.

Yup. Recycling.

Nope. It's next week they have off. Next episode to air is 3/29. Then 4/5, 4/12, and the rest are TBD.

Came here to type THESE. EXACT. WORDS. lol.

UGH see what I mean??? They had to rewrite the Charlie character 72 hours before the season 3 table read!!!! JUST AWFUL!!! You could see it in the writing (even up until Season 3 Episode 7's Beach House) how rushed and disorganized it was. Made no sense. I'm surprised they let him back for the Season 5 episode, it

lol… well I didn't say it worked well 😂 But it was still better than the alternative for me of not having a Becky character. I feel the same here, it's just awkward when Charlie was so pivotal the first two seasons and then disappears with no legit fix.

Agreed. All 3 Girls except her have made sensical progression. Marnie's doesn't feel like that at all. The writing is definitely to blame, and also her arc is just messy post season 2 because they had no plan for her after Christopher's abrupt departure.

I've been thinking about it since The Beach House, Season 3 Episode 7, when Marnie recounts the break up story to Elijah, and how Charlie just up and left and told her he never loved her. Like, it was just SO out of character for him. And clearly NOT AT ALL what they had planned when they reunited them in the season 2

An even more hysterical list is the one of email titles in this season's first episode when Hannah is sending her story to the paper. Most are from Elijah and Marnie and they're hysterical!!

Can't believe the series is over in 6 weeks. NO! Would've been great to have at least two more but as Lena said in an interview, it's about Girls in their 20s and they're nearing 30. Which reminds me, why did Hannah's list include "im only 27"? She was out of college for 2 years in season 1 so she would be almost 30

I don't even know what to think about Marnie as the character for the last 3.5 seasons isn't what the character was supposed to be at all. Charlie's abrupt departure from the series changed the course of her trajectory, so of course if Christopher Abbot had stayed, we would have seen her genuinely-thought out

He did the play with Desi and they probably grew close


I wonder how many more seasons this show has left. Definitely don't see it past Season 10 eventhough it's still a ratings juggernaut for ABC. I'm watching out of habit at this point.

That's really where I thought this episode was going. And then having Cam/Mitch insinuate Rainer is gay for wanting things up his butt.

You're right, the consistency in character actions might as first glance seem conflicting. However, Hannah did say that the issue had to do with groups "historically oppressed". Her principal boss being an older white man in the presence of a younger female teacher, well that doesn't count. It's a little of

Undoubtedly best moment of the episode.

I was 90% sure it would be Alex and Ben on the swing. Glad it wasn't. And also glad I did not see the Claire-magic classes angle coming. This was the strongest episode of the season so far (but I'm definitely grading on a curve).