T Taz

The finale was definitely a letdown. For some reason the Homeland writers thought a subdued, monotone feel was the way to go. I remember the boards being filled with angry viewers, mostly because they were so enthralled by episodes 6-11.

Curious to know which shows you're talking about. I've only watched The Affair and Homeland on Showtime.

Sarah Treem the showrunner did in an interview with Variety.

That's funny. I just watched a Top 10 Mojo video about great season 1 shows that went completely sour in season 2, and Dark Angel was one of them.

You're missing out. I suggest revisiting Season 4 of Homeland. Episodes 8-11 were some of the best of the entire series. The ending to Episode 9 left me shaking.

The first sign of evil Gunther being a figment of Noah's imagination was when he and Noah were yelling at each other in an earlier season, and like a SECOND later the other side of the cell opens, and Gunther is in an entirely different uniform joining the gang of cops to subdue a manic Noah. Clearly, the Gunther on

Looks like a poster below was correct. Sarah Treem said 2 weeks ago in a podcast that the 4th season will be the FINAL SEASON. I like that. There doesn't seem much more they need to explore in the context of how the show was originally conceived. Some closure will be good. Dragging it out (as many shows do beyond

LOL totally. Would love to pick your brain about the Buffy comment. Were you talking about Willow? Or Buffy herself? Wasn't a big season 6 fan.

Wait…. it isn't?

Whitney has slowly become The Affair's version of Homeland's Dana to me. Insufferable.

Agreed on all. And rounding out that list for me was Katya saying that Phi Phi's recoil of the hug was somewhat justified as that is how she fet in the moment, not wanting to hug her competitor who just sent her home.

Katya called so much bullshit this episode, it was amazing. Just one thing after another. Reunion was definitely too short. I'm happy Detox admitted that the decision was friendship vs. right.

Agreed. I'm shocked the writer was so zealously against this format. The Season 3 reunion is still my favorite out of all them because it was REAL. No music/lights to alter the reality of what was happening. I wanted to learn more about what the queens were thinking during just divisive moments, and for the first time

Hmmm that's right… Ok well I guess they knew earlier than I thought… I still dont know they filmed 3 crownings for sure though so not sure exactly when Alaska knew she won. But perhaps over the course of the season Ru was paying attention to the the #teamkatya hashtags bombarding the earth like meteors.

I think what you mean is, that Alaska EARNED her win, but you don't think she DESERVED to win.

They filmed all 3 getting crowned, just like they've been doing for multiple seasons now. No one knows who's going to win till the day it's aired except for Rupaul and the producers

Jade was the most memorable (and since we're on the topic of All Stars, apparently the reason why she turned down ANTM 17 All Stars was because they weren't going to pay her enough), but Danielle had one of the best winner reactions of the entire series:

Nobody else took it there. No one else was like "yoooo Jade, you look like an 85 yr old woman!"

Technically, it's Jade from ANTM who gave us that quote. "This isn't America's Next Top Best Friend" years before this show even started.

"Committing to fairness is a liability". Exactly. And Alaska, being the smart queen that she is, understands this immensely.