
Me too. I know we're only two episodes in to the new season, but I have been SO unimpressed, even to the point of being annoyed. The caricatures of themselves is ruining the personalities that originally made them so appealing. I'll give episode 3 a chance and if it doesn't entertain me, this show will go on back

I'm with you — I used to love Gilmore Guys and it would jump to the top of queue list whenever a new episode came out, but I just don't have time twice a week to listen to 2+ hour podcasts, especially with so many other fantastic ones out there.

I used to love Gilmore Guys podcast, but lately they've been running around 2 hr 30 min, which is just too long. I have so many podcasts that I listen to and any episodes that go beyond 2 hours make me pause… I only have so many hours in a day!