
THOSE were a bitch. 2 and 4 gb. You could run out with just a few programs and a years worth of documents. UGH

And my 133MHz packard bell had 2GB...

I am sure you mean Pentium or 10gb.... My 500MHz Pentium III Compaq, released/bought just when pentium III launched, had a 20GB hard drive.....

They are both x’s you boob. Fold is fold, whether it’s 10 or 1000, he’s using the same unit for both. Learn to read correctly before correcting others. :-)

Unprofessional is another word, but well, it’s giz.

Said with just enough snark to be funny, but not enough to be an actual jab. You’re one of the few passable ones here. :-P

I can’t tell whether you’re being sarcastic or have an incredible misunderstanding of the whole article...

Gracias por reconocer que esto no tiene nada que ver con socialismo o comunismo, solo con la mala administracion de un idiota (Chavez) y un cretino imbecil (Maduro).

Saludos desde Puerto Rico, otro lugar con mala administracion que trae cola... :-P

Ok, ambos sabemos que Maduro es un imbecil, pero esta situacion nada tiene que ver con socialismo. (Y tampoco se le puede llamar al estado venezolano.)

Esto es culpa de la situacion economica mundial, como el precio del petroleo, y la mala administracion local, claro, pero mas aun de la manipulacion externa, al igual

What makes you think this won’t show up without blacklight? Looks like normal reactive paint to me...

I hate to be half empty glass guy, but why not make the prosthesis taller? The physics and engineering would remain largely the same, and the posture would improve. Maybe there was some range of motion issues with her deformed limbs?

Speaking again as a statistician, that is not representative, as the set would include a very high percentage of temporary residents and recent transplants. To be useful for our purposes there would have been a follow up question needed, “How many of those who are non natives are here just for college?”.

God, I’m

Are you outside the US or are you an evader? Either way, shame on you!

Just kidding, unless oyu are an evader! Most developed countries have similar programs too. :-P

Now playing

Here is an updated video. Jump to 0:44 to see him jump!

Why? It DID get people OFF morphine...

You’re funding this same shit right now: methadone.

That’s actually the logic used for heroin.... It was supposed to cure morphine addiction...

In my day, we used lard and a dry log flume, and doggone it, we liked it! A splinter up the old arse every once in a while is good for gumption!

Para mi tuna es la que canta.... :-P

Will they water them with electrolytes?

What movie has a laugh track????

Go back to your pilot, you TV writer scum!

The sets are manipulated and homogenized for other factors before even beginning to pick the foods, so there’s also that playing into it. Also, I just reread it, and we both seem to have sorely missed this little tidbit: “Then the editorial team (...)”.