
I don’t know if I buy it.

He’s called Odinson now.

It’s an awesome book and I’m surprised that it’s only just being released in the US.

Rereading 'The Scar' by China Mieville.

No theme, but what was that "la la la la (etc)" music that accompanied the first car chase? Driving me crazy trying to figure it out.

Fantastic Four should be fun. I'm not sure going "dark" is the right approach. You can be fun and be science fictiony at the same time.

Yes. I agree 100%

It's not strange if you take into account that fingerprints were used in India before Herschel. Fingerprints were on letter seals and the like.

You speak of Damage Control perhaps?

"a man died of the bubonic plague — the bacterium responsible for some of the worst blights in human history."

Yes, the science annoyed me, but when I watched the trailer in "magic" mode I found a Zen state. Thanks for the tip!

Writing a novel about an ageing Nigerian psychic at the end of his career and finding love for the first time.

Oh my stars and garters, you mean EVERYBODY got this 90s re-wardrobe nonsense? I've never seen this. I did tune out of comics in the 90s, but I still looked at the occasional cover. Reed's got the pouches, three of the four have gigantic rifles...gah! I am so glad the Liefield years are over.

I read the actual abstract (the full study isn't available yet). The effects sizes aren't impressive. When they say 'significantly' larger they mean statistical significance, which isn't the same. The differences were one-fifth and half of a standard deviation.

If the writer is proposing an arthropod origin for dragons (which the comment about childhood seems to suggest) then wings on the thorax are not out of the question.

It's amazing how long such "treatments" are allowed to persist.

Excellent article, a lot of items I didn't know, thanks.

This isn't unprecedented. The older (and original) DMX (Davy DMX) had a song on Sesame Street back in the day.

He's always had webshooters which he invented in a fit of science geekery. He used to carry extra clips on his belt and running out of webbing was always a danger/plot point.