
Drugs. Don’t do drugs.

Why did you click on play, what else did you think was going to happen?

Thanks for the heads up. I missed the shit the first time so I had to go back for a second watch.

...I think you could have easily avoided this by not clicking on a video of a moose getting run over.

While in this case it does not apply, I have to agree that Affirmative Action is not a good policy. I grew up in the magnet school system, where the courses were advanced and it was very much like being at college. I mean I was learning HS Sophmore/Junior level shit in the 7th and 8th grade.... it was a VERY hard

Too bad Viper the TV show isn’t on netflix! It was ahead of it’s time... Drones!

Audis duke it out with Ducati.

The first rule of Tesla repairs is that you don’t talk about Tesla repairs.

There, I said it.

The others have the advantage of....existing.

Also, never feed a bear a marshmallow with your mouth.

Puts on his Nomex suit and laughs

Correct. The first place I ever saw charger stations was at a Costco in Atlanta. With more electric cars, that’s definitely a pull.

Of course it is, it's terrible that there is no equivalent to the USB standard yet.

I love your enthusiasm, but why can’t this cash rich and “everything is awesome” company make charge cables that don’t polo neck?

Exactly. My wife refuses to buy anything other than an iPhone. And the latest one is a total piece of poop that she's had to warranty at least 3 times. And she still wouldn't consider anything else.

San Franciscans look on in wonder; “Look!” One of them shouts. “Look! It’s a-a, how do you say it? Chev-ro-ley?

Is always the answer, right?

It’s pretty comfy, but very ugly.

I saw one of these on the road for the first time about a month ago. It was so jarringly ugly that I literally forgot to clutch-in changing gears to get away from it.

LAPD charged with battery.

Yeah, it looks weird. I like it.