
Man, this series is absolutely killing it. I went in happy if I got some fun nostalgia, but this show is better than the original in almost every way (except the theme song, which is worse).

Jackman has had surgery for skin cancer (multiple times, I think) and asked to have long sleeves on the costume during outdoor scenes to limit his exposure to sunlight. The scenes in this trailer without sleeves are presumably all shot indoors.

As an avid reader of the X-Men comics during the period that Storm lost her powers, I can honestly say it was an amazing arc for her, but I think part of that was due to her not regaining her powers back within an issue or two. Storm had to deal with her powers being gone for an extended period of time which let the

Maybe they should just cast all of these people and shoot it like that Bob Dylan movie, I’m Not There.

What do you mean still somehow about racism? Musk’s family got their wealth from racism.

Elliot Page would be good too just cause it would really ruffle Musk’s feathers, plus Page is awesome.

I’m still hoping for Kathy Bates.

He’s CEO of six companies. Line cooks work harder than CEOs. 

One person who does get the assignment though is Dan Stevens... he actually improves every scene he’s in.

Turns out the therapist is mephisto


Also, he would have tripped on all the beer bottles everywhere.

1)Why turn off the light after writing the suicide note before jumping?

How much more Snyder could it be?

Annihilation suffers because Garland didn’t read all the books; the Southern Reach trilogy makes much more sense as you travel through the whole story. And it is, by any measure, beautiful.

There’s probably an entire planet of Rikers out there. Just Riker manoeuvring around 

How is Teddy Ruxpin not on this list? That fucker used to open its eyes with a loud SHUCK and speak in the middle of the night, from inside my closet.

The most appalling legacy of early 2010s/Ready Player One-era Geek Culture™ is the notion that corporations are just another kind of superfan who will always be conscientious stewards of the beloved properties they acquire. 

What happened to you, Yakko? You used to be cool.

I was just about to comment the same thing.