
So basically

Ye gods, this just sounds awful. These are giant incomprehensible monsters not two buddies that you might have a beer with at the bar. That the movie seems completely uninterested in the human side of this story was the first warning sign, though perhaps the completely perfunctory and boring nature of the human side

This shot of Deadpool in the snowy forest... I think this is Sokovia during the opening of Age of Ultron.

I love me some alliteration as well, but I would’ve gone with Multiversal Mayhem, as that is much more front and center than the mutants. Sad there’s no sign of Domino in here, she was great in Deadpool 2.

Re: The attacking purple smoke. Very likely this is Alioth, the Cerberus-like guardian of the Void at the end of time introduced in Loki Season 1.

aaaand the first thing they do is take shelter in an overpass. 1) THE most cliche thing possible and 2) Wasn’t that scientifically shown to be one of the WORST things you can do?

Don’t forget the time he outed a worker for having a disability, mocked him for it, and then publicly fired him, before his lawyers made him walk it back

Yea but hypocrisy is a point of pride for conservatives.

She wasn’t fired.

Musk being dedicated to a workplace free of harassment and bullying is rich, considering how much Tesla has had to pay workers in lawsuits over racism and harassment.

yes, and censoring tweets / banning twitter accounts he doesn’t like

For the 1 millionth time, free speech protects people from the government imposing penalties on you for saying stupid/offensive/controversial/etc shit.

Isn’t Musk kind of noted for firing people who say things he doesn’t like?

Rest assured, none of this is happening because Marvel “learned a lesson,” it’s because Hollywood was shut down by a strike for half of last year and a bunch of major productions were delayed. Captain America 4 and Thunderbolts were also supposed to come out this year.

We definitely had the top right pair, and my sister might still have them in the props chest for her daughters. We may have also had the bottom left and bottom right, but if so I think they’re lost to time.

This is definitely something I didn’t know I needed.

So another slurry of twice-microwaved nostalgia with a tidal wave of CGI and a sprinkle of Stranger Things? I hope some fans enjoy it, but showing the ostensibly big bad in multiple shots in the trailer does not inspire hope nor confidence in yet another run around the withering mulberry bush.

You want to call THH. If you have even one T before you get 2 Hs in a row, then that means THH has to win because any pair of consecutive Hs would have to be preceded by T. The only way to win as HHT is if the first 2 (at least) flips are H. In that case, as soon as you stop getting H, you’ll get a T, so HHT has to