
Probably unpopular opinion here, but I feel like Ryan Reynolds is best in small doses. I was a huge fan of the first Deadpool movie, because it was something new — a wacky, R-rated Marvel movie starring a character/actor who is able to make fun of how grim and self-serious comic book movies have become.

That must mean whatever they had already filmed must’ve been awful, and decided to fall back on the already established and well-liked Netflix canon. I mean, good I guess, they don’t want another turd like Secret Invasion or most of Echo, but man, that’s pretty damning, what awful shit had they cooked up that they

Anybody but Moff Gideon. I really liked Giacarlo Esposito’s character in seasons 1 & 2 of The Mandalorian, when he was a smart & cunning tactician. In season 3 they did a full 180 on the character. All of a sudden he’s a skilled fighter, who can hold his own with the heroes, dressed in a Darth Vader-esque suit of armor

Enemies for a Star wars movie?

I haven’t watched much of it, but I will say when Da Shi shows up, I had a second where I was like, “Nah. That guy’s not Da Shi”, and then immediately shifting to, “Ok, this guy’s Da Shi”.

I will say I’m pretty sure the narrative and plotting of the translation is more engaging with the story starting with the

Now playing

There is a Chinese version already, if you want a stricter adaptation. It came out last year, and the first episodes are available free on YouTube:

That trailer is practically non-Chinese. Chinese culture, worldview and events are integral especially to the first book.

That’s Roadside Picnic.

It is VERY much not western fiction, which I think is part of its appeal for some people. The tropes and the decision making of the writer and characters are definitely not following the “normal” paths of character development or plot development this story would get in the west.

Also, Ocean’s 11 is always hysterical

I think a Lando’s 11 would be a great opportunity.

What is?

I didn’t care for Part 1 but it was good seeing Buckbeak getting some work although it was off-putting seeing him in blackface. A hippogriff’s gotta take what he is given I suppose.

I mean, sure, it’s a sequel, but it’s clearly no Police Academy 2.

You forgot the original was seven Samurai.

She was basically the love-child of Shelob and the Borg Queen.

And yet The Forever War, complete with its totally cool twist ending, still has no adaptation. (And guess what Hollywood: the book’s length is a “good fit” for a two-hour movie. It’s a win-win. IF it’s ever adapted.)

A dud, eh?

Nick Fury show was garbage. Plenty of people watching Loki.  This show looks great, and it has Kingpin. The trailer is appealing to Netflix Daredevil fans. I think it has a much better shot than you are giving it. I had zero interest in this until I saw the trailer.