
So with the resurrection protocols, Wolverine would get a new adamantium skeleton each time he came back to life and just left a bunch of 4'11 adamantium skeletons just laying around every time he died?

Well, we didn’t see one add for aviation gin, or mint mobile or anything so that’s a plus. If they stick with the odd couple/buddy comedy vibes it should be fine. They’ve practically teed Jackman up to say “I’m getting too old for this shit.” It’s no “winter soldier” but then what is? Marvel’s been chasing that high

So far the episodes all felt rushed. Maybe I didn’t mind when I was in High School watching these, but now I get why the pacing on some of the comic arcs are as long as they are.

I mean....

Kathy Bates would bring a gravitas that I’m not sure Ol’Musky actually has that would really lean into the l’enfant terible of worst boss ever, and Matt Ross has already sort of played that role in silicon valley, but imagine Pete Holmes carrying a sink into Twitter and telling the building maintenance to put a giant

The casting determines the tone for the biopic.

A long lost Hammond relative (Johansson) inherits her great grandfather’s mansion/castle, stumbles upon plans to de-extinct a competing hominid, homo Heidelbergensis in a hidden library by following the sound of a violin played by the elderly groundskeeper, Herr Blücher. After working day and night and barely

I don’t know if this happened to anyone else but when Rogue comes down the stairs to Ace of Bass’s Happy Nation, I was very much transported back to the 90's. How many times have you heard Ace of Bass in the past decade? Let alone anything other than “the sign” or “all that she wants.” At first I was like Oh they’re

I know hydrogen powered anything is not great, but the design is a certain type of weaponized retro-futuristic cyberpunk nostalgia that taps into that “I grew up in the 80's and rode my BMX everywhere but never had enough money to put those disk wheels on it that in retrospect was probably a good thing.”

What if we redesigned the fire extinguisher to be more like the design that was abandoned in the early 1900's. Like instead of glass bottles full of dangerous chemicals, we make plastic bottles that detonate dangerous chemicals. You know because “squeeze and sweep” is for dorks and people like screaming fireball and

Fine, time to rewatch Legion.

Our son was infected as an infant and I had to send him to the future.

Capitalism has evolved, moviegoers are no longer the customer in any real sense, so when a board member says that “the market” should decide what they mean is the investors should decide. Shareholders have become the only customer that counts, and shareholders are so risk averse that they would rather produce a

Ok I read the first book in the series and watched the other Chinese adaptation, how well does the Netflix series follow the book? My concern when I first saw that Netflix was adapting the work is that it would be “westernized” in a way that takes away from the story. AKA hand wavey about the Great Leap Forward, light

For anyone who gets the Slimer glass from Alamo Drafthouse:

If you didn’t cheer when Glados says “Sword” in Pacific Rim then you need to apologize to your inner child. This looks like J-Lo in a mech with a side of “bottle episode” so I’m cautiously optimistic.

I’m trying to stay optimistic about Neuromancer, but 80's retrofuturism can look a bit corny when not done well. Do the words “Mirror Eyed Street Samurai” sound as cool as they did 3 and a half decades ago, or have they been blunted by time and the shrine of the mall ninja?


You’re not going to mention their meeting about the reverse vampires? What about the spike in production of aglets for shoelaces, or how the Brittney Spears clones are all really good with knives now? Ha. Globalism, everyone knows the earth is actually carrot shaped, and FYI... Washington DC doesn’t really exist. It’s

They should think of it as a continuation of the X-files. The original program was shut down and mothballed, a Senate inquiry opens up after a bunch of UFO videos are released alongside a New York Times article and a new group of investigators are brought in to “get to the bottom of things.” But also not really meant