
Are you nostalgic for campy early aughts superhero movies like Electra, Ben Affleck’s Daredevil, and Hallie Berry’s Catwoman? Then Boy Howdy do we have a movie for you. Madame Web has it all! Plot holes, inexplicable table dancing at a waffle house, magic spiders and all the spider based superpowers you can shake a

Can Sony go back to making cassette futurism electronics that look like they came out of a 90's anime? Like, make stuff that looks like it came from the Improbable future instagram https://www.instagram.com/an_improbable_future/

Anyone else getting Think Tank vibes from the multiverse guy?

That rock in the back yard that leads to the Brood planet... Jubilee.
Sword that can kill Wolverine? Cyclops
Madripoor Set goes to Gambit
Gem of Cyttorak.... lets give that to Rogue and see what happens.
Ghost Box goes to ForgetMeNot if you can find him or remember what he looks like. Otherwise just leave it on the shelf

This is somehow better than the Riggs and Murtaugh/King Kong master of the flying guillotine/training montage movie that was just described.

When I was in undergrad, an F4 hit just north of the University... completely removed a small city from the map and scoured the highway down to the rebar in some places. Trees were scattered all over like some giant had dumped a bag of frozen broccoli out. One thing I don’t really miss about living in that area was

This could be an interesting way to pivot out of the issues around Kang and introduce versions of the fantastic 4. Oops, Kang the Conqueror looks and sounds like Keith David now because Deadpool & TVA altered the timeline. “Why is Captain America on fire? So you’re telling me that’s a completely different person.. and

There’s a level of emotional investment that I was not expecting from Mr. & Mrs. Smith, by the time I got to theRon Perlman is your practice child” episode I was all in.

Now playing

Exclusive first look of the movie right after the Cosmic Ray accident.

“Deadpool 3: Deadpool kills the MCU”
“Deadpool 3: the gay blade
“Deadpool 33 1/3"
“Aviation Gin and T mobile present Deadpool 3
“Deadpool III, the search for Spock.”
“Deadpool 3: we promise not to blow the budget on a Bea Arthur t-shirt this time.”

Relive such moments as “smelling dirt,” “arts and crafts with Pepsi,” “we’ve got cows” and “worst place to hide during a tornado competition. You may remember the knife barn from the first movie, this time it’s an old print-shop full of paper next to a lemonade factory and a road salt distributor.

I don’t think it was a tie in to a movie, but these were by far my favorite happy meal toys.

I had the yellow ones (top left) and wore them until they were too small for my head.

Finn Jones could be a voiceover narrator for a Daughters of the Dragon miniseries. He’s back in Kunlun, teaching a bunch of bald children kungfu and whatnot and once a week he sits them down to tell them the story of Colleen Wing and Misty Night. You could even occasionally break the 4th wall with Misty looking at the

It would have been a good opportunity to do a “morning Ralph... morning Sam” type of interaction. Like have Dan Akroyd shush one of the newer cast members and then hand the ghost a book for her to stamp.

This is what I remember everyone wanting from that lineup.

So in the Pope’s Exorcist, in the beginning he’s riding around the Vatican on a vespa because sure why not, and then at the haunted house IN SPAIN, he arrives ON THE SAME VESPA. So it is implied that he drove for 20 hours on a scooter across Europe like a demented episode of Top Gear. Is it a good movie? No. Was it

It also may depend on which version of Deadpool 2 you watched. There is an extended version where the jokes are beaten to death and drawn out to the point where it is slightly painful/cringy to watch, the version that he reads to Fred Savage where the jokes are slightly cleaned up and also don’t exactly land, and the