
DS9 was great and set a high bar. Voyager had good episodes, but it’s bad episodes were really bad. Like they did a Flowers for Algernon episode with Tuvok and it was really good and he made a real friend in Nelix. Then they tried to do the same episode again and made Tuvix.

I mean all I want is:
Picard: “So all you wanted was for us to grow and evolve as a species?”

Time travel is an honored tradition in Star Trek to save on costume and set design costs, and as long as they don’t go full “the borg queen is Picard’s mom” it could be interesting to see what a hive mind is like when it looses the rest of the hive (you think they’re going to make her some legs or just keep her in the

“Say Kosst Amojan again, I dare you, I double dare you evil space Karen. Say Kosst Amojan one more prophets-damn time!”

Assorted Musings:

Covid doesn’t have feelings that can get hurt so I will place all blame onto the scapegoat of a virus that has made everything worse. I tried reminding myself that the first seasons of most shows are sort of crap until they find their footing (even the Expanse took a min for the actors to inhabit the roles). But I

I’m guessing that the Emperor will basically say, “You’re my right hand and have more important stuff to do than track down the guy who cut off your limbs and set you on fire. Send your minions to deal with it and focus on the task at hand.” Both because it’s sort of true and because he knows it’ll piss Vader off. Ther

They were leaning really hard into the “Hush” version of the Riddler.

I mean at this point Ice Cube’s son looks more like Ice Cube than he does. So maybe O’Shea Jackson Jr. would work in the role. But Ice-T describing the Condiment King and the Flamingo in full SVU meme mode just seems to work. 

Yes. Yes I did.

Ice T as Harvey Bullock: Dr. Quinzell said he was high on something called purple nurple, picked him up in midtown trying to hold up a bank with a bottle of Ketchup.

As out of fashion as “episodic” shows have become with everyone treating shows like really long movies you watch a bit at a time, I really do hope that we get some of that short story feel back with this show. In TOS, it’s that one where Kirk fights the Gorn, or the one with the pon far fight music, or the one where

“In the Gotham criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The Batman who beats up crime and his rogues gallery who terrorize the public. These are their stories.” DUN DUN

Ice Cube as Harvey Bullock: “Some guy in a purple coat made him fight a midget dressed as a new

Species 10-c will be the space whales that sent that probe in “The Voyage Home. So Discovery will have to go back in time (again) and kidnap a whale from San Francisco (again) without running into Kirk, Spock and the gang. Simultaneously on Picard’s show, 7 of 9 and Robo-Jean-Luc ALSO get sent to the same timeline

In case it has been a while since you watched season 1 of this, Ghost in the shell is an incredible case of diminishing returns that started off as a beautifully animated, intricate exploration of contemporary society, technology and world politics that now looks like Tekken 2. 

Spiderman by way of Tom Cruise spinning bottles around in Cocktail.

I’m disappointed but not surprised at the direction that NFT’s have taken. Instead of being used as a method for artists to assign ownership to digital artwork or even instruction artwork (think Sol LeWitt’s drawings, or Sondra Perry’s digital work) It’s Ape based Pogs for tech-bros.

Are we still talking about Prism? or that giant datacenter in the middle of Nevada? or that time James Clapper perjured himself by lying to Congress four times about what data they collect? or that time that all these programs were found to be illegal or that time they were never shut down? Living in a Science Fiction

These movies are 2/3 weaponized nostalgia and 1/3 Bryce Dallas Howard running in slow motion. At least this one has Chris Pratt as a Dinosaur Cowboy, wearing his jacket... oops I mean.