
You’d like the movie “Brick” it smushed Hard Boiled Noir Detective and High School together in a way that weirdly worked. 

They’ve got those tram cars (when the gamorrean guys get ambushed) and some sort of Droid tuktuk or rickshaw that you can flag down on the street. I’m sure the city planners intended Mos Espa to be a 15 minute city, limiting the use of groundcars to mostly small speeders and a mix of rideshare and automated cabs to

My 10 Questions:
1. What is Boba Fett’s Actual job? Crime Boss (he’s not doing crimes)? Warlord? Daimyo/Shogun? Band leader? Simple man making his way in the universe? Out of his depth bounty hunter playing at politics like a moron?
2. Why would the Wookie work for Boba and not any of his other options (mainly the Pikes

Season 1 of the Book of Boba Fett could use a good bit of editing. The first half is oops all backstory and then an episode of the Mandalorian got lost and brought Grogu/Skywalker/Ashoka/Mando’s new car along for the ride.

They can’t seem to let go and embrace that there’s more to Star Wars than the Skywalker family. Ashoka (animated and otherwise) and the Mandalorian have explored beyond the family successfully and Boba Fett is... well Boba Fett is doing his best. Hopefully the Grogu/Wolf and Cub ball or sword test will mean that we

sound on. 

All the Ahsoka episode titles should be plays on Shaw Brothers movies.
Fist of the White Plom Bloom” featuring GZA and RZA
“36 chambers of Djem So”
“Temple of the Wills”
“Master of the flying sabrestaff” 

I’m conflicted. Up to this point The Book of Boba Fett has been very POV on Boba Fett, which has let the larger cast’s motivations sort of wither. Diving straight back into the Mandalorian maybe not the best way to flesh it out, but just a few episodes ago I was complaining that instead of Deadwood or The Wire, we’re

Depending on how far north you are it goes: Fall, early winter, deep winter, fools spring, second winter, mud month and then directly into summer.

Depending on how far north you are it goes: Fall, early winter, deep winter, fools spring, second winter, mud month

Batman swinging from the Pru in Boston chasing down bank robbers from Charlestown, Bill Burr cast as Harvey Bullock, Matt Damon is Commissioner Gordon, the Batmobile gets stuck in traffic in the tunnels on 93. Everyone has a mustache. There is a shootout scene that reminds everyone of “Heat” because they just blocked

Sort of hoping he ends up flying some horrific kit-bashed “uglies” type of monstrosity that hurts your eyes and everyone is like “Dank farrik what are you flying?!” Like a B wing with tie fighter bits nailed to it and an AT-AT cockpit at one end.



The kid in the Bad Batch, Omeeee-ga, would be what in her mid 30's? It’d be a weird flex to bring all the remaining Fett clones together.

But, we know that Timothy Olyphant is still technically on the planet already so I’m guessing we’ll see him again, and because it’s Disney and brand synergy or whatever probably two

“Next time on the Book of Boba Fett... The Pike Syndicate hires the Pinkerton Detective Agency a motley band of ex-imperial infiltrators, spies and clean shaven scumbags to publicly eliminate union leadership and instill fear into the local populace.”

It could be “The Wire” in a space western setting, which would be

Even in the real world, were Isla Fisher occasionally an actual eat your face monster... not a deal breaker.

Expanse Fans right now:

Getting big “Vinland Saga” vibes from “The Northman” in a good way. 

I’m not going to spoil anything, but you should REALLY watch “Toast of Tinsletown.” There is a running gag where Toast (Matt Berry) keeps mentioning that he’s in America because he’s going to be in the next Star Wars Motion Picture and everyone just mumbles sure ok and blows him off. Also Nadia and Nandor end up