
So we’re not going to talk about how the ship/sphere is sentient, named itself and told Michael that it/she has emotions in passing while in the turbolift? I feel like this season is on the edge of becoming very “Culture Series-y.” Sentient vastly intelligent space ships and a group of people trying to “civilize” an

I agree that the whole Spiderman/Mr. Wizard + Loki/Kang thing gives them free rein to fiddle fart around with what might have happened with the characters. But does that mean that we can somehow get a Daughters of the Dragon show to happen? No backstory, no Danny Bland, just yep they’re a thing that exists now and they

But do we get a Black Edition figure of the power converter? Or do we have to settle with the Qui Gon Jinn edition Gillette razor?

Clara was the wooorst. She’s like a Plato’s Form of a Mary Sue. The infallible, center of attention the universe, mysterious waif with protagonist hair.

The Disney/MCU model has officially broken the movie industry. Universal, Sony and anyone else Disney hasn’t bought yet should stop trying to compete by making giant intellectual property Universes with all their movies as tie-ins. They could instead take the exact opposite approach of supporting weird, new voices

Hopefully Switch will actually Switch in this version. 

Merovingian -> Emperor Norton

The real trick will be getting Dwayne Johnson to play both the Boulder and the Ember Island players version of Toph (in a wig).

All the fight sequences are done the same mix of stop motion animation and close ups on actors as the ski chase scene from Grand Budapest.

Tarantino’s would be a complete remake of episode IV where Luke ends up going to Tashi Station to pick up power converters only to return home to the charred corpses of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. Probably featuring Twi’lek feet and an upward shot of Luke and “Ben” from the trunk of his speeder at some point.

And yes to

Yes, but seeing Tarentino, Lynch, Wes Anderson, or the Safdie Brothers direct a Star War would be at the very least, entertaining.

Scrolled way too far for this comment. 

I do hope they stop trying to make “super predator” a thing. Both the one with Adrien Brody and that last one fell into the trap of “what if predator but more biggerer.” In fact, I don’t want to see a clear shot of the predator until the last 20 minutes of the movie. Make the predator a mysterious, technological

Toby McGuire better be wearing sweatpants and two different shoes when they introduce him, but I think that the whole spiderman on the run/relationship on the rocks/oops I broke the multiverse is enough to be a sad not fun narrative without Happy or MJ pulling a Gwen Stacy.

QAnon feels like a more weaponized “John Birch Society” or “protocols of the elders of zion” type of crazy rather than the Church of the Subgenius or other Dada-esque type of crazy where the absurdity is part of the message. These guys aren’t trying to levitate the pentagon, or protesting Scientology by covering

Listicle: popularized by sites like Buzzfeed and Gawker media, the List-article or Listicle is a quickly produced, hastily written article that does nothing more than list a series of related items. Often a best of list generated in order to generate clickthroughs, Listicles are used as a method of driving traffic to

Brendan would make a great Clayface. Clayface was an accomplished handsome actor disfigured in a car accident (similar to his role in Doom Patrol) and the role would draw on both his comedic and dramatic acting ability and they could do things like Brendan Fraser as a cowboy, as a basketball player, as a wait wait...

The political maneuvering is also laughably bad considering “Empire” is a cloned version of himself with access to his own history of political flexing and all the resources of a galactic empire. With the upstart traditionalist religious leader vying for power and the moderate trying to hold on to power, you’d think he