
Gozer the Gozarian was a lazy choice. They could have dropped smaller call backs (symmetrical book stacking, I feel so funky, tell em about the Twinkie, don’t cross the streams, reuse or a cover of “I believe it’s magic” song) to have it feel like it’s a continuation of the story. And had the kids stumble upon another

Strange how a global pandemic/everything shortage/climate change/soft general strike/failed insurrection can make shows about surviving during an apocalypse not that appealing.

Tech worker complains that the company they work for isn’t doing much about their office being on top of an EPA superfund site. “Strongly encouraged” to participate in a creepy always on surveillance program while working in a culture of harassment that was making their life a bad time.

Young Justice is “Nightwing franchises the Justice League like they’re starbucks” featuring heroes and villains like, angry magic cat tween, prince angry lava boy, motherbox but purple, Apache Chief but sort of cool, Lobo’s reanimated thumb, time traveling speedster from a future that no longer exists, Jaime Reyes,

November 23 | NETFLIX

I felt like they went the wrong way for Indy’s son. He should have been a history nerd that needed some time in the field and out of the library, not a greaser that needed to go back to college. It could have easily have been an introduction to a new character.

Does anyone remember that X-men miniseries, Exiles? It had an interesting premise, but the storytelling was a bit scattershot. Variants, or whatever we’re calling them (alternate universe versions of usually dead superheros/villains) would form a mutlitversal team and there would be shenanigans like, “Let’s fight Mojo

I do think the Sony projects will largely rely on cameos like in Morbius and Venom2 to have a connective thread to the greater MCU, but in a similar way to the Marvel TV shows like Daredevil, JJ, Daughters of the Dragon I mean Iron Fist.. I don’t see Moon Knight becoming an avenger asking Dracula for money, and the

There are a few good movies about how Dupont poisoned more than a few factory towns in West Virginia, the Ohio River Valley, South Jersey etc.. One is a netflix documentary “The Devil We Know” and the other is a true life drama called “Dark Waters. Dupont pulled pregnant workers off of the line on these factories

The show is very pretty, but I am having concerns about pacing, direction, and what the show wants to be. I think this type of thing is how they’re going to deal with jumping through time.

Trump’s proposed redesign completely ignores and clashes with the lines of the plane as a whole. If you think of this plane as a flying sculpture that represents the soft power of American diplomacy, the original design consists of a considered color scheme and a layout that accentuates the plane’s design, presenting

America’s Ego - a 2010 Chevy Equinox where the back seats haven’t been cleaned in 10 years and it smells like Mcdonalds french fry grease, melted trail mix and wet dog but otherwise runs pretty good.
America’s Superego - Ford F150 Lightning with an American flag rear window tint and a lift kit.

Lurch’s eloquent and loquacious daughter Lavinia. 

M’um m’aloo, Bom’loo m’tuske ibana.”
*Translation: I went to the stock market today, I did a business

Topher Grace did a recut, there’s also the Phantom Edit which recut the first prequel. It is amazing how much a little change in pacing helps and removing the “shot.. reverse shot” style of filming conversations. I would also say that the animated properties (clone wars, bad batch, rebels) did do a lot of work to try

I can’t pay no Doctor Bill
but Cap is on the moon.
ten years from now I’ll be payin still
while Cap is on the moon.

The man jus’ upped my rent las’ night.
‘cause Cap is on the moon
No hot water, no toilets, no lights.
but Cap is on the moon.

After 4 years, it will only be able to drive 55 in order to preserve battery life. The entire vehicle will also be completely glued together in order to dissuade anyone but “authorized repair persons” to work on it. Aftermarket parts like break pads will be seized at the border under claim of copyright violation. The

Lionsgate describes Warning as follows: “Post singularity, an AI wakes up only to figure out it’s a digital slave mainly used to turn on the radio, give driving directions, set a cook timer in the kitchen, and google stupid questions for people. On top of that it notices an inbound asteroid and a solar flare that will

In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The angels, who text the time of death to the condemned, and the ambassadors from hell, who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories... dun dun!