
Moments like that make me think they could lean a little harder into the 80's Buddy Cop aesthetic and still pull it off.

Sam: “You didn’t like the Banana in the tailpipe?”
Bucky: ....
Zemo: 48hrs was Eddie Murphy in his pri-
Sam & Bucky: Shut the fuck up Zemo.

I think I see 1-3 as better solely because the story was fleshed out with the clone wars series. If Flioni hadn’t made the characters and archs more defined and nuanced they’d still feel very flat and stilted. Except for the music, which is sorely missing in 7-9.

If you watch the fight scene on the ocean and play “duel

Honestly amazed at how on the nose this was in terms of plot: https://imgur.com/t/godzillavskong/m77qAPa

Godzilla vs. Floridaman

My takeaways:
The Bernie character leaned way too far into the “plucky comic relief” territory.

Isn’t that sort of the point of Godzilla movies though? Kaiju battles thinly veiled as an allusion of man-made disasters and our responses? We’re already seeing climate refugees, an impact on global trade and food production, saber rattling over the resources opening up from melting sea ice in the arctic, Louisiana is

Ah yes the Mecha-Joint-Strike-Godzilla-Fighter-35.

Can we get a Shin Godzilla vs King Kong where 1/2 the earth ends up uninhabitable due to government corruption and bureaucracy’s inability to react to disasters?

I feel like they Nerfed the Winter Soldier a bit. I’m sure we’ll get some knife flipping super soldier stuff in the future, but I kept feeling like this is a man who was a ghost who has taken on the best of the best and not just survived but won. You don’t do that by jumping out of a plane without a chute because

Or maybe Rhys Darby.

Like Lindsey Graham’s gross, slightly more effeminate nephew.

8. That plane is still totally on auto pilot with nobody on it just sailing into Libya.

In the 1980's the NYC Punk movement used large safety pins as decorative embellishments. In this context they are an immortal bad guy fashion statement that lets everyone know he hates Ronald Ray Gun, Margaret Thatcher and The Man.

But they were also functional, in a previous scene he almost had his head cut off and

“Do you have a few moments to talk about our Lord and Savior Joseph Campbell?” /s

Happy Gilmore is basically the plot of Star Wars with a change in setting.
Young idiot learns he’s been born with magical superpowers to harness the life-force of Subway sandwiches and channel it. He’s taught golf by a one handed old man an

I have two predictions:

1. In an effort to “one-up” Marvel, there will be an entire second movie nobody asked for after the credits. It will be 100% CG loosely based on a crisis on two earths.” This post credits scene is an additional 3 hours long and Owl Man wins in the end, destroying the entirety of the multiverse

With Michael Keaton as old batman and some very blade runner-y looking cityscapes.

You know, that spear’s worth of Beskar could be turned into a pretty nice tiny set of armor. Grogu probably wouldn’t grow out of it for a century or so. 

This time he’ll have friends/pets. Stabby the roomba and a wisecracking Boston Robotics dog that only speaks in 1980's catchphrases. It is never explained why, but there will be a surprisingly heartfelt moment where Boston (we’re calling the dog Boston now) sacrifices itself to save Johnny 5 and it’s last words are

For every Cowboys vs Aliens there’s a Mandalorian. The idea with Space Westerns/Space Samurai is that it riffs on an outlaw sense of outerspace being the Frontier. There is a power vacuum either because the main govt is dicks and everyone wants to get away from the space fascists (Star Wars, Firefly, Alien, Cowboy