
Season 1 refresher: WTF Klingons, multiple and very obvious secret double agent storylines. Lots of hate watching, Mirror Mirror and a Tardigrade.

^This. Working from home allows large businesses to pass the daily costs of real-estate and overhead on to their employees. The employees are subsidizing working from home, if anything I should get a tax break for all business related expenses (% of rent, elec, internet, phone bill, toilet paper, office furniture,

CZ series lookin like...

It’ll be in orbit around some fishing planet, and send out a squad of ties and recon searching for the child. The Mandalorian will meet Sabine and have to find another way off planet when the Razorcrest is space impounded with the child. They’ll have to lay low somewhere while they try to find a contact code named

If it’s a series, they should have a different actor play him in each episode. He’ll never take off the mask, so one episode it’s Daniel Radcliffe, the next Oscar Isacc, Nick Cage, Charles Dance (have everyone ask why he sounds British but otherwise just mark it up to he’s a little cracked from beating up dracula and

Wolverine had no nose, Batman turned into some sort of covered in blades Azazel or something, and Adam X-Treme... was brought to you by Mountain Dew Code Red, Taco Bell’s Gorditalupa-burritofantastico and the 1997 winter X-games. This version of the MCU would be.... Deadpool. It would be the second Deadpool movie.

The movie will be exactly the same except for a Wayne’s World style multiple version ending that includes:

I did not expect to love Hippolyta’s character arc so much, but she went from incredibly smart, doting mother and housewife to blue haired afrofuturist timelord warlord motherboard. She went from “Oh I don’t know about all that.” to “I will rip open a hole in time and space with my mind and sheer force of will so yall

I’m most comfortable with a 65% size board (no Function keys, but does have arrows, like the Drop Alt or Durgod Hades layout). I don’t like that the HHKB is missing the win/command key though.

Things I like about the show:

I just now got that Favreau’s Pre Vizsula was named the same way R2D2 was.. Previs and Reel 2 Day 2.

The clipped font at the bottom is trying really hard to be angry & space-y but feels very...

It wasn’t the Noir that was missing, but the socio-political motivation of the characters. Takeshi and Quell are driven by the injustice caused by consolidation of power as a consequence of people becoming functionally immortal. The entire first season is about how that power corrupts and makes the Meths beyond

Flipclock (fliqlo) for life. 

I do hope they go further into each of the Bad Batch’s character development this season beyond: Sniper, Heavy, Ranger, Specialist. It was good to see that the battle hardened Rex was showing the tole the war taking on him, but letting the relatively new hero soldiers take the lead seems like a missed opportunity for

Comes out as one big spider instead of a bunch of smaller ones. 

They’re going to make her a dinosaur aren’t they. 

Both Navient and AES have been taken to court for misleading borrowers.

Just to clarify. The PSLF program was(is) a program that was meant to encourage educated people into the public sector, to take lower paying jobs working as teachers, public defendants, work for non profits and government jobs and so on, knowing that as long as they pay into their student loans for 10 years, at the