
The focus on dark blue vs the lightness of the previous design, combined with the odd choice of width and hue of the red belt that surrounds the plane presents a very 80's, shitty Wall Street aesthetic, hence the greed interpretation. The kerning, leading, size and placement of the text seems like it was barely

Feige: “No you can’t do that.”
Raimi: “....”
Feige: “We’ll let you include the shot of the Delta 88 but Bruce Campbell can’t be the main protagonist.”
Raimi: “...”
Feige: “He can be a random wizard in the background but no speaking lines, and this really isn’t supposed to be a horror movie
Rami: “...”
Feige: “... so.... I

It does seem odd for Google to be ostensibly fighting for digital rights when their business model is the prototype for all other surveillance capitalism. The more behavior that you’re able to monitor, the more you’re able to both predict and influence future behavior.

Murder she Wrote, only she’s not helpful at all. More like a crime scene tourist or Jake Gyllenhaal’s character in Nightcrawler. Played by Aubry Plaza.

That makes sense, again, been a while since I read this series. Loved the cyberpunk noir detective story of the first and read the other two because I’m a completionist but they had a drastically different feeling. Not sure how they’ll have a needy AI hotel avatar pop up in a war zone/archeological dig.

I get that Poe is a great character, but bringing him back sort of undermines the gravitas of his death in season 1. I vaguely remember the second book being a corporate war story and the third being a bit of a mess involving cyberpunk dreadlocks, a gecko climbing sleeve, and something about surfing? but I don’t

Nobody seems to react that strongly to people spontaneously exploding into dust in this episode. Other than mentioning that she knew her companion for 5 years, the travel vlogger was not exactly phased by her death. “Lets go on a kooky adventure to the bottom of the sea to investigate trash and some cyber-goth aliens w

When they first showed the cube, I had the same thought.  “Oh, so all the Romulan refugees are renovating a Borg cube like a fixer-upper apartment complex.” 

I feel like they were afraid that they couldn’t get away with just the nike swoosh LED bar flashing as a turn signal, or couldn’t find a cheap enough way for that bar to be both the taillight and the brake light (IE the bar gets brighter when you hit the brakes)

These settings are there to give the general public a sense of control over the level of surveillance capitalism they are participating in. Amazon, Google, Facebook and all the companies that use the data they harvest are all focused on capturing the behaviors of people and monetizing it. Either through correlative

Sadly they were all confiscated by the Daywatch after the whole dragon incident with the angry drunken librarian. Terrible mess that.

Star Wars, but it’s about a killer robot driving instructor that travels back in time for some reason, as well as a talking pie, the robot’s best friend.

I always liked the “drawn into a greater conflict on accident” and the “trying to survive in a lawless post-war frontier” aspects of the original trilogy. I think the recent movies have suffered from their scope. By introducing 10-15 people in a 2 hour movie everyone’s character development sucks.

A tighter more

Now playing

Looking forward to some “Meanwhile in the Louisiana Swamplands” type shenanigans. I just want to see Mick’s reaction to the wonder twins turning into something useless like a bucket of water or plastic man being caught turning into a dress/being a perv.

I’m happy that the “lean into the absurdity” has spilled over


As streaming takes over, I think season length will start to vary more depending on the goal of slow release or binge watch.
However remaking already brilliant shows just needs to stop. Utopia (the British one) was phenomenal.  

The “Pittsburgh Salad” - Lettuce topped with french fries, steak, ranch dressing and grape tomatoes.